The truly incompetent may never know
the depths of their own incompetence, a pair of social psychologists said on
Thursday. "We found again and again that people who perform poorly relative to their peers(同等人) tended to think that they did rather well," Justin Kruger, co-author of a study on the subject, said in a telephone interview. Kruger and co-author David Dunning found that when it came to a variety of skills-logical reasoning, grammar, even sense of humor-people who essentially were inept (无能的;愚蠢的) never realized it, while those who had some ability were self-critical. It had little to do with innate modesty, Kruger said, but rather with a central paradox: Incompetents lack the basic skills to evaluate their performance realistically. Once they get those skills, they know where they stand, even if that is at the b A. Students at Cornell University often rated themselves-highly even when they flubbed all questions in a reasoning test. B. Grammar was an area in which objective knowledge was helpful in determining competence. C. Participants in the test estimated their sense of humor by about 16 percentage points. D. Students scored better on a logical reasoning test but rated themselves lower. [多项选择]在明确了估价基本事项的基础上,应对估价项目进行初步分析,拟定估价作业方案。估价作业方案的内容主要包括( )。
A. 拟采用的估价技术路线和估价方法 B. 拟调查搜集的资料及其来源渠道 C. 预计所需的时间、人力、经费 D. 估价作业步骤和时间进度安排 E. 违约责任 [单项选择]M指天然气的视相对分子量,则M/28.964计算的是天然气的()。
A. 视密度 B. 相对密度 C. 摩尔分数 D. 质量分数 [单项选择]用VFP表达式表示"0≤X≤100",正确的是()。
A. 0≤X≤100 B. 0<=X<=100 C. 0<=XANDX<=100 D. 0<=XORX<=100 [单选题]《营销安规(试行)》中规定心肺复苏法每做30次按压,需做2次人工呼吸,按压频率为(____)。
A. 100次/min B. 200次/min C. 250次/min D. 270次/min [多选题]全塑市内通信电缆芯线绝缘主要有( )。
A.A、实心聚烯烃 B.B、泡沫聚烯烃 C.C、泡沫/实心皮聚烯烃 D.D、纸介 [多选题]目前,我国的编制是国家机关和企业事业单位的()
的总称。 A.组织机构 B.人员定额 C.机构权限划分 D.内部结构 [判断题]驻调度所(驻站)联络员应与现场防护人员保持联系,如联系中断,现场防护人员应立即通知施工负责人停止作业,并将线路恢复到准许放行列车的条件。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]项目接入系统方案变化,需调整可研,主要包括哪些方式?( )
A.线路接入点发生变化 B.线路回路数发生变化 C.新建线路导线截面发生变化 D.线路线行发生变化 E.新建线路形式发生变化 [单项选择]市区道路、广场应做到()。
A. 定时清扫、洒水、保洁 B. 不定期清扫 C. 定期洒水 D. 定期保洁 [判断题]轮胎、垫圈、挡圈、锁圈安装到位后,在自然状态下,观察锁圈的开口间隙,要求进口锁圈开口间隙小于40mm,国产锁圈开口间隙小于20mm
A.10~20万 u/kg B.30~40万 u/kg C.50~60万 u/kg D.60~80万 u/kg E.80~90 万u/kg [简答题]试解释粘土的烧结温度和烧结范围。
[判断题]( ) 手推调车,须取得调车指挥人的同意,人力制动机作用必须良好,有胜任人员负责制动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]欧盟是当今世界上规模最大、经济一体化程度最高的地区性国家组织。
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