I arrived at a little town late at
night and felt too tired to drive any further so I went to a hotel. "Could you give me a room for the night " I asked a lady at the front desk ."I am sorry," she said, "You should have booked a room earlier. If you had, it would have been all right. But now every room is full. I wish I could suggest somewhere else but this is the only hotel in town and every room was booked up weeks ago." "What a pity!" I said, "I have been traveling since breakfast and I am very tired." "Well," she said kindly, "Before you give up completely, let’s look at the record of the list. Someone might have changed his plan. Yes, here is a telegram. ’I am arriving on the 7th instead of the 6th.’ You can have this gentleman’s room fo [单选题]带式输送机滚筒下风侧10-15m处( )设置一氧化碳传感器。
A.可 B.应 C.宜 D.必须 [多项选择]
某水利水电项目信息如下: A. 将人畜粪便作为农家肥可以减少污水排放 B. 在生活移民安置区采用沼气池对生活污水进行处理 C. 可以利用产生的沼气作为能源来源 D. 沼气池的出渣和出液也可来作农家肥 [单项选择]病人的权利受到关注的社会背景是
A. 人的权利意识,参与意识增强对人的本质的进一步认识 B. 医患间医学知识的差距逐渐缩小 C. 对人的本质有了进一步认识 D. 意识到医源性疾病的危害 E. 世界性的医患关系冷漠化 [单选题]听到蹲下的口令后右脚后退半步,前脚掌着地,臀部坐在右脚跟上(膝盖不着地),两腿分开约( )度。
A.50 B.55 C.60 D.65 [单选题]低压电能表现场检验宜使用现场作业工作卡。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [判断题]( )个人剂量限值不包括内照射剂量 。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]工作监护制度规定,工作负责人在()时,可以参加工作班工作。
A.邻近设备已停电 B.部分停电 C.全部停电 D.一经操作即可停电 [多选题]出现以下( )状况,应及时对布袋除尘器布袋进行检查。
A.烟气流量突然增大 B.入口温度过低 C.喷吹频率升高 D.烟尘排放浓度增大 E.短时过热 [多项选择]普适计算服务内容包括()。
A. 计算 B. 通信 C. 管理 D. 控制 E. 信息浏览 [单选题]电缆直埋敷设时,与煤气、输油管道及地下储油罐、储气罐之间净距(平行)一般为( )m。
A.0.5; B.1; C.1.5; D.2。 我来回答: 提交