Security experts were not surprised by
the FBI’s warning last week that more than 1 million credit card numbers have
been stolen from e-commerce websites in the last 12 months by crackers who took
advantage of a hole that could have been patched with software that was made
available three years ago. It is believed that most of the dirty work was being
done by organized hacking groups in Russia and the Ukraine. Many of their peers in the Western world say Eastern Europe’s computer crackers and hackers are the most skillful in the world--far superior to the so-called "script kiddies" who have gained a fair amount of notoriety(臭名昭著). "We call Russia the Hackzone because there are so many of us here, and we are so good at what we do," said a self-described cracker living in Moscow. He claims he is often hired to "have fu A. there are more crackers in Russia B. there are crackers everywhere in Russia C. Russia’s crackers get more support in their country D. people in Russia all approve of this behavior [简答题]开车前 48 小时以内,可改签开车前的其他列车,也可改签开车后至票面日期当日24:00 之间的其他列车,不办理票面日期@及以后的改签。
[填空题]无线调车灯显信号当显示( )加辅助语音提示时,是表示十、五、三车距离信号。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男,30岁。哮喘急性发作已2天,自服氨茶碱、吸入必可酮无效来急诊。查体:神志清楚,口唇发绀,双肺满布哮鸣音,紧急处理方法是()。
A. 静脉推注氨茶碱并监测血药浓度 B. 静脉注射地塞米松和β2受体激动剂 C. 吸氧、静脉注射氢化可的松、雾化吸入沙丁胺醇(舒喘灵)溶液 D. 静脉滴注抗生素和注射支气管舒张剂 E. 大量补液、气管插管和机械通气 [单选题]有毒气体硫化氢的容许浓度达( )时容易发生窒息.
A.8mg/m3 B.10mg/m3 C.15mg/m3 D.20mg/m3 [单项选择]有如下两个类的定义: class AA{}; class BB{ AA vl,*v2; BB v3: int*v4: }; 其中有一个成员变量的定义是错误的,这个变量是
A. v1 B. v2 C. v3 D. v4 我来回答: 提交