How the Body Keeps the Same
Temperature The temperature of your body should be always just the same, no matter whether the weather is hot or cold. That is why the doctor uses his thermometer when you are sick. When you are well,your temperature is ninety-eight and six tenths degrees. If he finds it{{U}} (51) {{/U}}than that,it is a sure sign that something is wrong. The body keeps the same temperature all the time,because it balances (平衡) the heat it produces and{{U}} (52) {{/U}}off. It is always burning up food and producing heat. It can produce heat faster when it needs to or give off heat faster when it becomes too warm. Let’s see{{U}} (53) {{/U}}this happens. The heat of your body is given off chiefly through the skin. When you are{{U}} (54) {{/U}},your skin is tight and shows A. gives B. puts C. shows D. keeps [多项选择]下列持证人员需要办理从业档案信息变更的是()。
A. 姓名变更 B. 学历变化 C. 会计专业技术职务资格变化 D. 接受继续教育情况变化 [单项选择]脏躁的治疗原则是()
A. 舒肝解郁 B. 疏肝理气,健脾 C. 清热降火,养心安神 D. 安神养心 E. 养心安神,甘润健脾 [判断题]任何原因引起的电力系统三相对称性的破坏,均称为不对称运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]血源性骨髓炎病理特点是
A. 死骨及死腔形成 B. 以骨质增生为主 C. 以骨质破坏,坏死为主 D. 骨质破坏坏死与反应性骨质增生同时存在 E. 以水肿、细胞浸润和炎症渗出为主 [判断题]对新掘进巷道内建筑的防水闸门,必须进行注水耐压试验。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]管道在某一点或某些管孔受到外力损坏,其中的线缆没有受到伤害,这是可采取()方式修复。
A. 接管 B. 增建井 C. 长上覆 D. 降上覆 [简答题]火灾事故调查的任务是什么?
[单选题]液体的燃烧火焰分为( )。
A.内焰、外焰、焰心 B.内焰 、外焰 C.焰心 [判断题]设置安全木楔时,将安全木楔放置在单锁方向的尖轨与基本轨之间。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交