Sisters are often alike but they are never exactly the same. In many (36) , one sister is often called "the pretty one" and the other "the (37) one" when they are still babies. Even young children think (38) is more important than brains. "I envied my sister’s looks. She had long (39) hair and nice clothes and the most (40) I hated her so much that I decided to (41) her. One day when the roof of the house was being repaired, I (42) a brick out of a window (43) she was underneath(在下面). Thank God it (44) !" says one ashamed near-murderer. "I must have been about ten at the time, and she was eight years old. (45) she tells me that she always felt (46) beside me in school because I was a (47) student and she was weaker (48) school work. But when you’re fourteen or fifteen, you (49) attention and praise and you need
A. figure
B. result
C. standard
D. success
Nearly all"speed reading"courses have
a"pacing"element—some timing device which lets the students know how many words
a minute he is reading.You can do this simply by looking at your watch every 5
or 10 minutes and noting down the page number you have reached.Check the average
number of words per page for the particular book you are reading.How do you know
when 5 minutes has passed on your watch if you are busy reading the
book Well,this is difficult at first.A friend can help by timing you over a set
period, or you can read within hearing distance of a public clock which strikes
the quarter hours.Pace yourself every three or four days, always with the same
kind of easy, general interests books.You should soon notice your accustomed
w.p.m. rate creeping up. Obviously there is little point in increasing your w.p.m.if you do not u A. every chapter B. every section C. everyfourorfive pages D. everyten ortwelve pages [单项选择]永磁直驱型发电机组,检修发电机系统任何部件前必须()
A. 将风机顺桨并机械刹车 B. 断开回路的主电源验电并挂接地线 C. 首先机械锁定桨叶 D. 可靠机械锁定轮毂 [单项选择]患者面色苍白,四肢厥冷,呼吸微弱,额汗淋漓如油。此汗称为()
A. 自汗 B. 盗汗 C. 战汗 D. 绝汗 E. 大汗 [单项选择]如果用粗缆连接两台集线器,构建10BASE-T以太网,则两台机器的最远距离可达______。
A. 500m B. 100m C. 700m D. 300m [单选题]电气化区段发生火灾时,禁止在不足( )m又未停电的情况下,使用水或一般灭火器灭火。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [单选题]患者女性,50岁。因“先天性心脏病、心房纤维颤动、左侧肢体偏瘫”收住院。此脉搏属于:
A. 频率异常 B. 波形异常 C. 节律异常 D. 强弱异常 E.动脉壁弹性异常 [单项选择]According to Orzack, people who struggle with heavy reliance on the
Internet may feel
A. discouraged B. pressured C. depressed D. puzzled [单选题]施工现场的电焊机应根据施工区需要而设置。多台电焊机集中布置时,应将电焊机和控制刀闸作对应的编号。电焊机一次侧电源线不得超过( )m,二次侧引出线不得超过 30m。一、二次线应布置整齐,牢固可靠。
A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8 [多选题]造成钻井平台主空压机流量过低的原因是( ).
A.空气滤器脏堵 B.吸气阀开度过小 C.螺杆间隙过大 D.油气分离滤芯脏堵 E.转速过低 F.冷却不良 [单项选择]摄氏30°换算为华氏温标应是:()
A. 66°F B. 70°F C. 86°F D. 96°F [单项选择]合同双方发生争议后,不妥的解决方式是( )。
A. 首先双方协商 B. 向协议条款约定的单位或人员要求调解 C. 向仲裁机构申请仲裁 D. 立即向人民法院起诉 [单选题]下面那一项不属于桥梁上部结构( )。
A.主梁 B.横梁 C.横向联系 D.支座 [单项选择]登革热地方性流行区的当地居民易患登革出血热的原因是()
A. 遗传因素 B. 气候因素 C. 生活习惯 D. 当地卫生条件差,有利于疾病传播 E. 当地居民血液中有促进性抗体 [多选题]多层建筑中,应设置机械加压送风设施的场所有()。
A.. 不具备自然排烟条件的防烟楼梯间 B.. 不具备自然排烟条件的消防电梯间前室 C.. 不具备自然排烟条件的合用前室 D.. 设置自然排烟设施的防烟楼梯间,其不具备自然排烟条件的前室 E.. 设置机械加压送风设施的防烟楼梯间,其不具备自然排烟条件的前室 [判断题]个人坠落防护系统是防止从作业高处坠落的系统。该系统包括锚固点、连接装置、全身安全带等。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交