2007年7月份北京市城镇居民低保情况统计表 | ||||
地 区 | 城镇居民最低 生活保障人数 | 城镇最低 生活保障家庭数 | 城镇最低生活 保障累计支出 | 人均 支出水平 |
(人) | (户) | (万元) | (元) | |
北京市 | 147738 | 72474 | 27264.2 | 260.41 |
东城区 | 14442 | 7076 | 2762.8 | 269.70 |
西城区 | 11739 | 6238 | 2147.7 | 261.13 |
崇文区 | 8835 | 4710 | 1871.7 | 284.90 |
宣武区 | 14623 | 7075 | 2851.7 | 277.03 |
朝阳区 | 14084 | 6958 | 2743.0 | 2 A. 8个 B. 11个 C. 7个 D. 5个 [简答题]简述逾期贷款真实性认定标准。
A. 国家食品药品监督管理总局 B. 国家药品监督局 C. 国家药品管理局 D. 国家药品质量监督局 [单选题] 澄清池在提高出力的过程中, 提升流量不应超过( )。
A.10t/ h; B.30t/ h; C.50t/ h; D.20t/ h。 [单项选择]下列叙述中正确的是()。
A. 一个逻辑数据结构只能有一种存储结构 B. 逻辑结构属于线性结构,存储结构属于非线性结构 C. 一个逻辑数据结构可以有多种存储结构,且各种存储结构不影响数据处理的效率 D. 一个逻辑数据结构可以有多种存储结构,且各种存储结构影响数据处理的效率 [判断题]单工(半双工)无线电台回答程序通信用语例:同意收听的回答。02,我是01,收到请讲。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]高处作业时有危险出入口应设()?
A.围栏 B.悬挂警告牌 C.设照明灯 D.作业许可证 [单项选择]汽轮机油的()是一项重要的质量指标。
A. 抗剪切性 B. 水解安定性 C. 氧化安定性 D. 过滤性 [单项选择]In the wake of 11 September, Visionics, a leading manufacturer, issued a fact sheet explaining how its technology could enhance airport security. They called it "protecting civilization from the faces of terror". The company’s share price skyrocketed, as did the stocks of other face-recognition companies, and airports across the globe began installing the software and running trials.
As the results start to come in, however, the gloss (光滑表面) is wearing off. No matter what you might have heard about face-recognition software, Big Brother it ain’t. The concern was based largely on an independent assessment of face-recognition systems carried out in 2000 in the U. S. by the Department of Defense. These tests found that to catch 90 per cent of suspects at an airport, face-recognition software would have to raise a huge number of false alarms. One in three people would end up being dragged out of the line and that’s assuming everyone looks straight at the camera and makes no effor A. Too many false alarms were raised. B. Everyone should look straight at the camera. C. Only 90% of suspects at an airport were found. D. Everyone should not disguise himsel [多选题]非执行董事是指在执行层不担任职务的董事,主要有
A.社会各界专家 B.公司经理 C.公司监事 D.机构投资者的代表 E.其他公司的执行人员 [单选题]在手机拍摄中,我们一般选择用( )
A.4K,60fps B.720o,15fps C.1080p,30fps D.1080p,60fps [单选题]一般性的规定是:在游泳池或设有电路的水槽内,规定安全电压为( )。
A.42 V B.36 V C.12V D.6V [单选题]31.6个月婴儿外貌较瘦弱,母亲带孩子来医院门诊检查。此时,护士应首先为
A.体重 B.身高 C.头围胸围 D.牙齿数 E.前囟的大小 [单选题]( )埃肯在挪威奥斯陆证券交易所上市。
A.2016 B.2017 C.2018 D.2019 [多项选择]下列不属于原始凭证必须具备的内容的有()。
A. 记账符号 B. 接受凭证单位的名称 C. 经办人员的签名或者盖章 D. 接受凭证单位的单位编号 [单项选择]制备微囊的过程中需加入凝聚剂的制备方法是()。
A. 单凝聚法 B. 液中干燥法 C. 界面缩聚法 D. 喷雾干燥法 [简答题]为什么在片剖外底和腰窝及后跟部位时要使用托模?
In one way of thinking, failure is part of life. In another way, failure may be a way towards success. The "spider-story" is often told. Robert Bruce, leader of the Scots in the thirteenth century, watched a spider spinning a web after trying six times. On the seventh he made it. Bruce took heart and defeated the English. Edison made hundreds of models that failed before he found the right way to make light bulb (灯泡). A. not think about it any more B. be very happy C. learn from others D. learn to accept [单选题]【单选题】患者男性,56岁,发热、咳嗽、胸痛、呼吸急促,可疑急性脓胸。最有确诊意义的是( )
A.肺部叩诊浊音 B.胸廓饱满 C.呼吸音减弱 D.胸片大片阴影 E.胸穿抽出脓液 我来回答: 提交