From childhood to old age, we all use
language as a means of broadening our knowledge and the world about us. When
humans first{{U}} (31) {{/U}}. they were like newborn children, unable
to use this{{U}} (32) {{/U}}tool. Yet once language developed, the
possibilities for human kinds’ future{{U}} (33) {{/U}}and culture growth
increased. Many linguists believe that evolution is{{U}} (34) {{/U}}for our ability to produce and use language. They{{U}} (35) {{/U}}that our highly evolved brain provides us{{U}} (36) {{/U}}innate language ability not found in lower{{U}} (37) {{/U}}. Proponents of this innate- ness theory say that our{{U}} (38) {{/U}}for la A. evolution B. entertainment C. feasibility D. attainments [单选题]工单预约及时率考核标准是发起预约时间减去营销推送时间小于等于( )个小时为及时,业扩预约及时率100%。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]电流继电器中线圈的正确接法是( )电路中。
A.串联在被测量的 B.并联在被测量的 C.串联在控制回路 D.并联在控制回路 [单选题]女性尿道的长度( )P326
A.3-5cm B.4-5cm C.3-7cm D.4-7cm [单项选择]与长期雌激素刺激有关的肿瘤是()
A. 子宫颈鳞状上皮癌 B. 子宫颈腺癌 C. 绒毛膜癌 D. 乳腺癌 E. 卵巢乳头状囊腺癌 [多选题]换乘站客运组织以()为原则。
A.安全 B.可控 C.统一 D.可靠 [单选题]办理行政案件时,下列调查取证方式中,不需要审批的是()。
A.传唤 B.重新鉴定 C.扣押 D.先行登记保存 [单选题]TCP/IP是因特网的( )
A.一种服务 B.一种功能 C.通信协议 D.通信线路 [简答题]自动扶梯如何进行制动试验?怎样为合格?
[单选题]企业拒不执行监管部门作出的停产停业整顿决定,仍然生产,监管部门应当提请地方人民政府予以( )
A.关闭 B.停产停业整顿 C.炸毁 D.拆除 [判断题]温度计是测量快开门式压力容器内介质或壁温的安全附件。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]填写签证表要注意什么()。
A. 认真阅读表格内容,正确理解填写内容 B. 填写表格时要注意对英文字母大小写的要求 C. 一些国家要求在姓名栏中填写中文电码,出国人员要注意提前查询 D. 大多数国家签证表格可以用复印件,但有些国家必须用使馆提供的原表填写 E. 个别国家使用网上带条形码的电子表格 [判断题]凡一台连铸机只有一个机组,且只能浇注一根铸坯叫一机一流。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]对( )的专变客户,业务流程处理完毕后的首次电量电费计算,应逐户逐项进行审核。(中)
A. 新装用电 B. 变更用电 C. 电价政策调整 D.电能计量装置参数变化 [单项选择]甲、乙两人在匀速上升的自动扶梯从底部向顶部行走,甲每分钟走扶梯的级数是乙的2倍;当甲走了36级到达顶部,而乙则走了24级到顶部。那么,自动扶梯有多少级露在外面( )
A. 68 B. 56 C. 72 D. 85 [多选题]1.P205T1D013 集中式并网逆变器的电气安全特性包括( )。
A.功率大,数量少,便于管理;元器件少,稳定性好,便于维护 B.谐波含量少,电能质量高;保护功能齐全,安全性高 C.有功率因素调节功能和低电压穿越功能,电网调节性好 D.保护部分 [多选题]地质罗盘的磁针可用来测定岩层的( )
A.A.走向# B..倾向# C..倾角# D..方位# E..坡度 [多项选择]心绞痛发作时的处理是()。
A. 就地停止活动 B. 立即休息 C. 饮糖水少许 D. 含服硝酸甘油 E. 口服止痛片 [单选题]( )是对绩效管理中各个环节和工作要素进行全面监测、分析的过程。
A.绩效沟通 B.绩效改善 C.绩效反馈 D.绩效诊断 [单项选择]
In some early attempts by psychologists to describe the basic learning process, the terms ’stimulus’, ’response’ and ’reinforcement’ were introduced. In an educational setting, these (1) could be defined as follows. When a teacher gives an (2) , or sets a problem, or asks a question, the pupil (3) in some way, and the teacher then tells the pupil if he has responded correctly. The teacher’s first action is called the (4) . The pupil’s action, carrying out the instruction, or solving the problem, or answering the question, is (5) the response. When the teacher tells the pupil his response is (6) , the bond between the stimulus and the response is strengthened and reinforcement is positive. If the response is incorrect, the bond is weakened, and reinforcement is (7) 我来回答: 提交