Our analysis therefore suggests that
the real problem facing the black community lies in the educational obstacles
prior to the Ph. D. programs rather than in the pour-in of foreign students.
Equally, our analysis suggests that we ought to treat foreign students as
an important source of brain gain for us and that we ought to facilitate, rather
than hinder, their arrival and their entry into our work force. How could this
be done There is a long-standing provision in our immigration laws under which those who bring in a certain amount of financial capital (which will "create jobs") are allowed to immigrate: A foreigner who invests one million dollars in a commercial enterprise established in a high-unemployment area, which creates jobs for at least ten Americans, is automatically given immigrant status (i.e., a green car A. Foreign students are a new source of financial capital B. P graduates should automatically be given green cards C. Foreign P graduates may function as a kind of capital D. Foreign investors ought to immigrate to high unemployment areas [判断题]单电源线路距离保护I、U段不经振荡闭锁。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Guests at this house are amazed by the flowers and a well-kept lawn traversed by concrete walks.
A. crossed B. consolidated C. hovered D. enclosed [判断题]测控装置更换硬件、升级软件时,应记录相关参数, 更换或升级后,应恢复原参数设置,并经测试无误后方可投入运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电气设备的金属壳体接地是工作接地。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]惩处是指对出现( )的员工进行的处罚措施。
A.违纪 B.违规 C.工作失职 D.其他符合惩处标准的情形 [单选题]遇雷雨天气时,()操作隔离开关。
A.可以 B.禁止 C.不宜 D.能够 [简答题]道口工应具备哪些条件?
Disability among the elderly has declined markedly in the United States in the past two decades. In 1984, 25 percent of the elderly population reported difficulty with activities associated with independent living. By 1999, the share had fallen to 20 percent, a decline of one-fifth. Although these basic facts are well known, their interpretation is not clear. Is the reduction in disability a result of improved medical care, individual behavioral changes, environmental modifications that allow the elderly to better function by themselves, or other demographic changes Will the trend continue, or is it time limited What does the reduction in disability mean for years of healthy life and labor force participation [多项选择]A公司为了解决公司发展中出现的很多人力资源问题,决定实施工作分析,并且以人力资源部的王经理为首,加上几个主管,成立了工作分析小组。
首先,在阅读了国内目前流行的基本工作分析书籍之后,他们从中选取了一份工作分析问卷并发放。一个星期之后,人力资源部收回了问卷。但问卷填写的效果不太理想,一部分问卷填写不全,一部分答非所问,还有一部分根本没收上来。与此同时,人力资源部也着手选取一些职位进行访谈。但谈了几个职位后,发现访谈的效果并不好。访谈结束后,信息的收集情况很不理想,访谈人都反映对该职位的认识还是停留在模糊的阶段。这样持续了两个星期,访谈了大概1/3的职位。王经理认为时间不能拖延下去了,决定开始进人项目的下一阶段——撰写职位说明书。尽管参照了许多其他企业的职位说明书,但由于信息收集的不完整和不准确,以及缺乏撰写经验,最终的成稿质量并不高。很多部门指责其完全不符合实际情况,人力资源部门遭到了一致批评。最终工作分析项目不了了之。 人力资源部的员工在经历了这次失败的项目后,对工作分析彻底丧失了信心。他们开始认为,工作分析只不过是“雾里看花,水中望月”的东西。真的是这样的么 A公司的工作分析主体选择的是公司自身的人力资源部门,这种主体选择方法的缺点是( ),这也是A公司工作分析工作失败的原因之一。 A. 实施人员缺乏经验 B. 耗费大量人力、物力 C. 耗费资金 D. 不易处理公司内人际关系 [判断题]煤的有害成分是水分、灰分和硫。
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