A. 《古诗九首》
B. 《古诗十首》
C. 《古诗二十九首》
D. 《古诗十九首》
[单项选择]Below is a passage followed by six statements. Read the passage carefully and then decide whether the statements are true(T)or false(F). The American Character The American is wonderfully alive; and his vitality, not having often found a suitable outlet, makes him appear agitated on the surface; he is always letting of an unnecessarily loud blast of incidental steam. Yet his vitality is not superficial; it is inwardly prompted, and as sensitive and quick as a magnetic needle. He is inquisitive, and ready with an answer to any question that he may put to himself of his own accord; but if you try to pour instruction into him, on matters that do not touch his own spontaneous life, he shows the most extraordinary powers of resistance and forgetfulness; so that he often is remarkably expert in some directions and surprisingly slow in others. He seems to bear lightly the sorrowful burden of human knowledge. In a word, he is young. What sense is there in this feeling, which we all have that the American is young His country is blessed with as many elderly people as any other, and his descent from Adam, or form the Darwinian rival of Adam, cannot be shorter than that of his European cousins. Nor are his ideas always very fresh. Old conventions and rigid bits of morality and religion, with much seemly and antique political understanding, remain clear-cut in him, as in the mind of a child; he may carry all this about with an unquestioning familiarity which does not comport understanding. To keep traditional sentiments in this way untouched and uncriticised is itself a sign of youth. A good young man is naturally conservative and loyal on all those subjects which his experience has not brought to a test; advanced opinions on politics, marriage, or literature are comparatively rare in America; they are left for the ladies to discuss, and usually to condemn, while the men get on with their worked. In spite of what is old fashioned in his more general ideas, the American is unmistakably young; and this, I should say, for two reasons: one, that he is chiefly occupied with his immediate environment, and the other, that his reactions upon it are inwardly prompted, spontaneous, and full of vivacity and self-trust. His views are not yet lengthened; his will is not yet broken or transformed. The present moment, however in this, as in other things, may mark a great change in him; he is perhaps now reaching his majority, and all I say may hardly apply today, and may not apply at all tomorrow. I speak of him as I have known him; and whatever moral strength may occur to him later, I am not sorry to have known him in his youth. The charm of youth, even when it is a little boisterous, obvious obedience to that pure, seminal principle which, having formed the body and its organs, always directs their movement, unless it is forced by vice or necessity to make them crooked, or remains young, and, wherever it is able to break through, sprouts into something green and tender. We are all as young at heart as the most youthful American, but the seed in his case has fallen upon virgin soil, where it may spring up more bravely and with less respect for the giants of the wood. People seem older when their perennial natural youth is encumbered with more possessions and prepossessions, and they are mindful of the many things they have lost or missed. The American is not mindful to them.Americans are young because in their country, there are not as many elderly people as those in any other European countries.
[单选题]员工探望配偶的,( )年给予一方探亲假一次,假期为( )天
A. 1,25
B. 2,30
C. 1,30
D. 2,25
[单项选择]承包商应于( )前,将其任命的承包商代表的姓名以及详细资料提交工程师,以取得工程师的同意。
A. 评标日期
B. 签订合同书日期
C. 开工日期
D. 竣工日期
[单项选择]Many students do not like tostudy history(历史).They say that there are (41) many names and dates to (42) .But if we do not know about the (43) ,we can not understand the present well.For example,if we wish to know how men (44) to use fire,we have to know what men did (45) the past to travel at night or to keep themselves (46) in cold nights.Only a study of history will make US realize(意识到) (47) everything we do today is the result of what (48) people did in the past.[A] learn [B] learnt [C] was learning
[多项选择]项目对财政资金平衡的影响,从( )等方面进行分析论证。
A. 项目需要的当地及国家直接或间接财政资金投入
B. 项目对区域资源开发和有效利用,优化当地资源配置的贡献
C. 项目对城市化及空间布局的影响
D. 项目对当地及国家财政收入的贡献
E. 项目的实施对政府部门财政收支状况的影响
A. 控制菌斑
B. 消除牙龈炎
C. 减少牙石沉积
D. 防龋
E. 治疗口臭
[判断题]对于已沉淀的涂料,可用手工或机械搅拌均匀后再使用。( )
[单选题]第二章第五节:能够很好解释利率期限结构的理论是( )。
A. 预期理论
B. 分割市场理论
C. 资产组合理论
D. 期限选择理论
A. 术前放疗+手术
B. 单独手术
C. 化学治疗
D. 生物治疗
E. 单独放疗
A. 提前
B. 推迟
C. 不变
[单项选择]2008年,A公司以手中拥有价值200万的商业票据为抵押(2009年到期)向X银行贷款100万元,对X银行而言,此种贷款方式属于( )。
A. 信用贷款
B. 担保贷款
C. 抵押贷款
D. 票据贴现
[判断题]>高通滤波器可以抑制不希望有的高频谐波。( )
A. 营业网点
B. 自助设备
C. 超级柜台
D. 网上银行
[填空题]电空位操纵时,当电空制动控制器位于过充位时,列车管会获得比定压高( )kPa的压力
[单选题]邓小平同志逝世的时间是( )。
[单选题]根据《变电安规》,使用钳型电流表测量高压电缆各相电流,电缆头线间距离应大于( )mm,且绝缘良好、测量方便者,方可进行。
Most people who travel long distances complain of jetlag (喷气飞行时差反应). Jetlag makes business travelers less productive and more prone (21) making mistakes. It is actually caused by (22) of your “body clock” a small cluster of brain cells that controls the timing of biological (23) The body clock is designed for a (24) rhythm of daylight and darkness, so that is thrown out of balance when it (25) daylight and darkness at the “wrong times in a new time zone. The (26) of jetlag often persist for days (27) the internal body clock slowly adjusts to the new time zone. Now a new antijetlag system is (28) that is based on proven (29) pioneering scientific research. Dr. martin Moore-Ede has (30) a practical strategy to adjust the body clock much sooner to the new time zone (31) controlled exposure to bright light. The time zone shift is easy to accomplish and eliminates (32) of the discomfo
A. agitation
B. spur
C. acceleration
D. stimulus
A. 抵债资产欠缴的税费
B. 取得抵债资产支付的相关税费
C. 抵债资产持有期间的相关税费
D. 不考虑任何税费
A. 大写意
B. 小写意
C. 水墨画
D. 院体工笔
[单项选择]以下能够触发文本框Change事件的操作是 ______。
A. 文本框失去焦点
B. 文本框获得焦点
C. 设置文本框的焦点
D. 改变文本框的内容
上海某工程项目,施工场地表层全部是回填土,为了满足钢管桩的施工要求,某施工单位选用三支点式履带打桩机、KB60锤进行施工。 试问: (1)安装打桩机,施工现场做以下处理是否正确?施工场地排水网络通畅,做到雨后不积水。( )
[判断题]讯问不满18周岁的未成年犯罪嫌疑人时,除有碍侦查或者无法通知的情形外,应当通知其法定代理人或者教师到场。( )
[判断题]允许用链条葫芦长时间悬吊重物。( )
[单选题]公众客户数字化转型,以客户为中心的平台化运营,实现一个思维、四个方向、三个关键。一个思维指的是( )。
[多选题]动火工作票中的动火工作负责人的安全责任包括:正确安全地组织动火工作;负责检修应做的安全措施并使其完善;始终监督现场动火工作;( )。
A. 乙烯含量
B. 乙炔含量
C. 碳四含量
D. 甲烷含量
[单项选择]被宣告缓刑的犯罪分子,其附加刑( )。
A. 与主刑一同缓期执行
B. 仍须执行
C. 根据具体情况决定是否执行
D. 无须执行