On a four-day trip to Ethiopia, I had a
dream. In my dream, I saw two men, one older and one younger, facing one another
against a background of temples and pyramids. The father was speaking as he
performed the oil ceremony for his son. I became excited in the possibility of
performing a visiting ceremony (31) my son in Africa. For
the next six days I privately wondered what (32) to use in
such a ceremony. Gradually the words (33) me. By the time we
arrived in Cairo, I was ready. I told my son that there was a ceremony I wanted
to (34) him in the tombs in Egypt. His eyes shone with
(35) . But I wondered if he would still be receptive after my
next statement. In the dream I remembered that the son was oiled, as it
(36) , with a dry substance. I took this to mean that powder
(37) oil was used. But A. anticipation B. tremble C. horror D. terror [单选题]在风力发电机组中通常在齿轮箱低速端选用( )联轴器。
A.刚性 B.弹性 C.轮胎 D.十字节 [单项选择]Why can’’t the man find out if he gets the job now
A. Because the woman thinks he is not qualified. B. Because there are too many people applying for the job. C. Because the woman can’’t make the final decision. D. Because the man doesn’’t have letters of recommendation. [判断题]长导柱为门的纵向移动提供自由度并保证在开/关门过程中门板与车体平行(面向车门)。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]巴塞尔委员会从( )等方面提出了操作风险管理与监管的十项原则。(0.14分)
A.监管者的作用 B.风险管理 C.风险监管 D.营造适宜的风险管理环境 E.信息披露的作用 [简答题]完全竞争的市场必须具备的条件?
[单项选择]Below is a passage followed by six statements. Read the passage carefully and then decide whether the statements are true(T)or false(F). The American Character The American is wonderfully alive; and his vitality, not having often found a suitable outlet, makes him appear agitated on the surface; he is always letting of an unnecessarily loud blast of incidental steam. Yet his vitality is not superficial; it is inwardly prompted, and as sensitive and quick as a magnetic needle. He is inquisitive, and ready with an answer to any question that he may put to himself of his own accord; but if you try to pour instruction into him, on matters that do not touch his own spontaneous life, he shows the most extraordinary powers of resistance and forgetfulness; so that he often is remarkably expert in some directions and surprisingly slow in others. He seems to bear lightly the sorrowful burden of human knowledge. In a word, he is young. What sense is there in this feeling, which we all have that the American is young His country is blessed with as many elderly people as any other, and his descent from Adam, or form the Darwinian rival of Adam, cannot be shorter than that of his European cousins. Nor are his ideas always very fresh. Old conventions and rigid bits of morality and religion, with much seemly and antique political understanding, remain clear-cut in him, as in the mind of a child; he may carry all this about with an unquestioning familiarity which does not comport understanding. To keep traditional sentiments in this way untouched and uncriticised is itself a sign of youth. A good young man is naturally conservative and loyal on all those subjects which his experience has not brought to a test; advanced opinions on politics, marriage, or literature are comparatively rare in America; they are left for the ladies to discuss, and usually to condemn, while the men get on with their worked. In spite of what is old fashioned in his more general ideas, the American is unmistakably young; and this, I should say, for two reasons: one, that he is chiefly occupied with his immediate environment, and the other, that his reactions upon it are inwardly prompted, spontaneous, and full of vivacity and self-trust. His views are not yet lengthened; his will is not yet broken or transformed. The present moment, however in this, as in other things, may mark a great change in him; he is perhaps now reaching his majority, and all I say may hardly apply today, and may not apply at all tomorrow. I speak of him as I have known him; and whatever moral strength may occur to him later, I am not sorry to have known him in his youth. The charm of youth, even when it is a little boisterous, obvious obedience to that pure, seminal principle which, having formed the body and its organs, always directs their movement, unless it is forced by vice or necessity to make them crooked, or remains young, and, wherever it is able to break through, sprouts into something green and tender. We are all as young at heart as the most youthful American, but the seed in his case has fallen upon virgin soil, where it may spring up more bravely and with less respect for the giants of the wood. People seem older when their perennial natural youth is encumbered with more possessions and prepossessions, and they are mindful of the many things they have lost or missed. The American is not mindful to them.Americans tend be resistant to the things they are told to do and to the things they do not feel very strongly about.
A. TRUE B. FALSE [单选题]短时间退出防误操作闭锁装置时,应经( )或发电厂当班值长批准,并应按程序尽快投入。
A.变电运维班(站)长 B.发令人 C.调控人员 D.监护人 [判断题]手动阀门的开关方法是顺时针方向为开,逆时针方向为关。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]关于单位工程验收,以下说法正确的是( )。
A. 单位工程验收分为单位工程投入使用验收和单位工程完工验收 B. 单位工程完工验收由项目法人主持 C. 单位工程投入使用验收由竣工验收主持单位或其委托单位主持 D. 单位工程投入使用验收由项目法人主持 E. 单位工程完工验收由监理单位主持 [判断题]国外开来信用证规定最迟装运期为2003年7月31日,议付日期为2003年8月15日。船舶公司签发的提单日期为2003年7月20日,受益人于8月14日向议付行交单,按惯例,银行应予议付。 ( )
[多选题]跟踪出站调车,只准许在单线区间及双线正方向线路上办理( )。
A. 取得邻站值班员承认号码 B. 并须经列车调度员口头准许 C. 取得邻站值班员同意 D. 发给司机跟踪调车通知书 E. 发给司机出站调车通知书 [判断题]在安全管理的强制原理中,所谓“强制”就是让被管理者绝对服从,不必经过被管理者同意便可采取控制行动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《安全生产法》规定,生产经营单位的主要负责人和
安全生产管理人员必须具备与本单位所从事的生产经营 活动相应的()。 A.安全生产专业知识 B.安全生产管理能力 C.安全生产知识 D.安全生产知识和管理能力 [多项选择]下列属于活期存款特点的是()
A. 利息收益低 B. 灵活方便 C. 适用于经常存取的账户 D. 可以分为个人储蓄账户和个人结算账户 [单选题]()是保证精馏过程连续稳定操作的必要条件之一。( )
A.A、液相回流 B.B、进料 C.C、侧线抽出 D.D、产品提纯 [判断题]电缆标识应清晰、齐全、完整,部分电缆应有制造厂的专用标志线,或每隔500mm以内印有制造厂名称和制造年份的标志带。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]车体主要采用( )构成
A.大型中空挤压型材 B.铝合金板材 C.不锈钢 D.都不是 [判断题]国家是阶级矛盾和阶级斗争不可缓和的产物和表现。
[多选题]继电保护、配电自动化装置、安全自动装置及自动化监控系统做传动试验或一次通电或进行直流系统功能试验前,应( )后,方可进行。
A.通知运维人员 B.通知有关人员 C.通知工作票签发人 D.指派专人到现场监视 [单选题]晒青不足,做青应()。
A.适当重摇,促进“发酵” B.轻摇短凉,增加次数 C.薄摊少摇 D.重摇,提早炒青 [填空题]动物体内高能磷酸化合物的生成方式有( )和( )两种。
[多选题]在煤矿井下搬运伤员的方法有 。 多选题
A.担架搬运 B.单人徒手搬运 C.双人徒手搬运 D.车辆搬运 [单项选择]萨顿在上世纪()年代去世。
A. 40.0 B. 50.0 C. 60.0 D. 70.0 [单选题]宝宝生后7天,出院时医护人员告诉妈妈新生儿期的护理很重要。那么新生儿期指
A. 从受孕到生后脐带结扎 B. 从脐带结扎开始到满28天 C. 从脐带结扎开始到满30天 D. 从脐带结扎开始到满1个月 E. 从出生28天后至满1周岁 我来回答: 提交