Many people have difficulty in studying
mathematics. Sometimes their difficulty stems from the psychological idea that
they are "not good at math". (39) {{U}}It has been demonstrated that many times
that it is often this idea that is causing their problems rather than any lack
of skill in mathematics.{{/U}} The best way to deal with this problem is to tell
yourself that math involves using the same numbers you have been using all your
life and that you know them as well as anyone else. Then set your mind to
learning how they are used in the particular part of mathematics you are
studying. Many schools offer "math anxiety" courses which are designed to help
people overcome their fear of math. Another problem many people encounter is that in mathematics, unlike some other subjects you may have studied, the material has a ve A. to study math well B. to realize the importance of math C. to overcome your fear of math D. learn more about math [单项选择]单管系统与双管系统比较,单管系统在各层散热器的进出水温度()
A. 是不相同的 B. 是相同的 C. 越在下层,进水温度越高 D. 都有可能 [多选题]从事道路运输经营以及道路运输相关业务的,应当遵守《道路运输条例》。道路运输相关业务包括有( )。
A.站(场)经营 B.机动车维修经营 C.机动车设计 D.机动车生产制造 E.机动车驾驶员培训 [单选题]宋某,男,36 岁,急救入院后病人呼吸由浅慢逐渐加深加快,又由深快逐渐变为浅慢,暂停 30 秒后再度出现上述状态的呼吸。该病人的呼吸是( )
A.间断呼吸 B.潮式呼吸 C.毕奥呼吸 D.鼾声呼吸 E.呼吸困难 [单项选择]MCP上的6个LCD不显示哪个参数值()
A. 航向 B. 高度 C. 垂直速度 D. 推力N1 [判断题]营业机构上缴停用的业务印章,应连同该印章的《业务印章停用上缴清单》一同上缴至总行,营业机构不保管《业务印章停用上缴清单》。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 精神病患者、智障者、醉酒者、()以下儿童应当由其监护人或者健康成年人陪护方可进站乘车()。 "
A.6岁 B.5岁 C.10岁 D.8岁" [判断题]对结构尺寸较大的分片吊装塔片,吊装时应可不必使用补强措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]情报研判中综合应用工具的概念
A. 同一关系内部属性之间不存在引用关系 B. 外码一定要与相应的主码同名 C. 同一个关系中不允许出现完全相同的元组 D. 同一个关系中主码的值可以相同 [多项选择]设计单位应当按照( )进行设计,防止因设计不合理导致生产安全事故的发生。
A. 业主要求 B. 法律 C. 法规 D. 工程建设强制性标准 [单选题]当异物侵限导致双电网断线时,防灾安全监控系统同时向()系统发送灾害报警信息,使进入相关闭塞分区内的列车自动停车。
A.列控 B.数控 C.车载 D.报警 [单项选择]某汽车企业生产15—8型号汽车,年产量10000台,每台15—8型号汽车需要A1—001型号齿轮1件。该企业年初运用在制品定额法来确定本年度车间的生产任务,相关信息及数据见下表: