Dear professor, It is my pleasure to invite you to be included in our highly successful title, Dictionary of International Biography (传记), the Twenty-Third Edition of which is scheduled for publication in winter 1993/94. Further details are enclosed for your information and I invite you to complete and return the Biographical Questionnaire ( 问卷) by the date shown. Entries chosen for inclusion will be compiled by our editors and biographees (传记者) will be sent typescripts (原稿) for approval before publication. Here at the IBC we have been producing biographical works for thirty years. The Twenty-Third Edition of Dictionary of International Biography will join our many other titles on t A. with the publication of 23rd Edition B. before the publication of the 23rd Edition C. separately and differently D. to guild the world [单项选择]Section B
New York’s Empire State Building is an internationally known landmark which has been called "the cathedral of the skies". This iconic building of 103 floors soars 1454 feet into the atmosphere, offering unsurpassed views around the horizon, night or day, in wet weather or dry, to visitors from around the world. Tens of millions of people have marveled at the breathtaking sights they have beheld from its two observatories.
(61) the Empire State Building is centrally situated in the heart of Manhattan, where many other architecturally significant buildings are overlooked by this "architectural splendor". The exterior of the building is made of Indiana limestone and granite trimmed with mullions of sparking stainless steel, which reach from the sixth floor to the pinnacle. Whether seen in sunlight or moonlight, the tower glistens magnificently.
(62) which is heated in winter and cooled in summer, and spacious out-door promenades on all
[判断题]遇雷、雨、大风等情况威胁到人员、设备安全时,作业负责人或专责监护人应下令停止作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 功率最大的器件是( )。
A.MOSFET B.IGBT C.SCR D.电力三极管 [判断题]动车组遇空气弹簧故障时,除CRH2/CRH380A/AL型动车组外,限速200km/h运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]胰腺平行于下列哪条血管,但稍靠前下()
A. 腹腔动脉 B. 脾静脉 C. 肾静脉 D. 门静脉 [判断题]根据铁路货物运输合同押运货物的人视为托运人。
[判断题] 如果水环压缩机停车时间过长或在寒冷的冬季(室外安装),不必把泵盖和泵体内的水全部排出。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]B-C-D-001 2 1 2
在同一接头内,接续的线对绝缘层被破坏了,没有接续的线对没被破坏。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输管理规则》规定, 旅客列车到发线有效长应以能满足该区段旅客列车最大编组辆数长度及发展的需要,一般应不少于( )。
A.450米 B.550米 C.650米 D.600米 [单项选择]评价的基本原理是
A. 重复 B. 均衡 C. 比较 D. 测试 E. 干预 [单项选择]在砌体结构房屋中常用的砂浆是()
A. 水泥砂浆 B. 混合砂浆 C. 石灰的砂浆 D. 绝热砂浆 [单选题]鼻疖是指鼻部 ( )
A.鼻前庭皮肤湿疹伴感染 B.鼻部血管扩张 C.鼻尖或鼻前庭的皮脂腺或毛囊的局限性急性化脓性炎症 D.鼻腔粘膜下脓肿 E.鼻表皮发炎 [判断题]不同的材料有不同的氧指
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]阅读《郑伯克段于鄢》中的一段文字,回答下列小题:
初,郑武公娶于中,曰武姜,生庄公及共叔段。庄公寤生,惊姜氏,故名曰寤生。遵恶之。爱共叔段,欲立之。亟请于武公,公弗许。 这段文字中姜氏偏爱共叔段的表现是什么 [判断题]赔偿请求人根据受到的不同损害,可以同时提出数项赔偿要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]从江门市政府到市交通局应该经过西区大道。
A.冲击 B.力度 C.热效应 D.副作用 [单项选择]《内经》说“诸湿肿满,皆属于脾”是基于
A. 脾运化水谷 B. 脾运化水液 C. 脾为后天之本 D. 脾主升清 [判断题]控制电缆不应有中间接头。(GB 50168—2018《电气装置安装工程 电缆线路施工及验收标准》7.1.12)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]UPS机房温度标准是( )
A.A.20-24摄氏度 B.B.20-25摄氏度 C.C.21-24摄氏度 D.D.21-25摄氏度 我来回答: 提交