A large part of effective leadership is dependent on something called "style". But style is difficult to teach, and what makes one leader great and another mediocre is not easily defined. Leadership always implies power, and a broad definition in this context is that leadership includes the power to influence thoughts and actions of others in such a way that they achieve higher satisfaction and/or performance. Over the past century, there have been three major approaches to understanding leadership. Identifying leadership traits, or the physical and psychological characteristics of leaders, was the first formal approach, and had a lot of intuitive appeal. It owed its origins to the mm of the century (about 1904) when trait studies began. At this time most American leaders came from certain wealthy families, the vast majority were white ma A. requirements B. acceptance C. preference D. standards [名词解释]公关礼仪文书
《钢结构工程施工质量验收规范》规定:( )必须在其考试合格项目及其认可范围内施焊。 A. 焊工 B. 持证焊工 C. 焊接技术人员 D. 质检人员 [单项选择]窗洞墙体室内外二次粉刷(装饰)不应超过铝合金门窗框边()mm。
A. 1 B. 8 C. 10 D. 3 [单选题]暖锋是指:[1分]
A.锋面在移动过程中,暖空气推动锋面向冷气团一侧移动的锋 B.一侧气团温度明显高于另一侧气团温度的锋 C.温度较高与温度较低的两个气团交汇时,温度高的一侧 [单选题]在室外构架上作业时,在邻近可能误登的构架上应悬挂“( )”的安全标志牌。
A.禁止攀登,高压危险! B.止步,高压危险! C.从此进出! D.从此上下! [单选题]《10kV-500kV输变电设备交接试验规程》中要求,SF6 气体的交接试验中要求纯度为( )(质量分数)。
A.0.99 B.0.998 C.0.999 D.0.9999 [单项选择]
Passage 3 [多选题]听觉信号为( )和机车、自轮运转特种设备的鸣笛声。
A.号角 B.口笛 C.动车组 D.响墩发出的音响 [单选题]接地线应用多股软裸铜线,其截面应符合短路电流的要求,但最小不得小于( )。
A.15mm2; B.25mm2; C.50mm2; D.75mm2。 [多选题]影响回收塔釜的操作温度的因素有( )等。
A.进料温度 B.塔釜压力 C.再沸蒸汽 D.塔釜组成 [单选题] 双线自动闭塞区间反方向进站信号机前方应设置( )。《技规》第72条
A.预告标 B.预告信号 C.限速标志 D.鸣笛标 [单选题]国家电网营销〔2012〕1145号明确要求,居民阶梯电价免费用电基数减免具体操作方法为在( )发行电费时将低保户五保户免费电量对应的电价置为零,仅发行电量.不发行电费,免费电量参与分档电量.分时电量计算。
A.每季 B.每年 C.每次 D.半年 [判断题]通用搜索引擎,如google、baidu、yahoo,并不能囊括所有的网页。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述消费者行为分析研究的主要内容?
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