Right now, Prince Charles is probably
wishing he had hit the slopes after all. Britain’s Prince of Wales decided last
year to begin reducing his carbon footprint—the amount of carbon dioxide created
by his activities—by cutting down on his flights abroad, including an annual
skiing vacation in Switzerland. Though we should all be in the position to make
such sacrifices, Charles didn’t win plaudits for his holiday martyrdom.
Instead British green groups, seconded by Environment Secretary David
Miliband, spanked the Prince for deciding to fly to the U.S. on Jan. 27 to pick
up a prestigious environmental award, arguing that the carbon emissions created
by his travel canceled out his green cred. It’s too easy to mock His Royal Highness; in England it’s practically the national sport. But his critics may be onto something. Jets are uniquely polluting, an A. (A) theoretical possibilities B. (B) great inventions C. (C) minor improvements D. (D) technological upgrades [判断题]只要可燃物、助燃物和引燃源同时具备,就会发生燃烧现象。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]担当救援时机车按LKJ相应模式,正方向进入区间时按LKJ通常模式,反方向进入区间时按( )模式,进入救援区间。担当
A.通常 B.调车 C.降级 [填空题]若记录型A中的每一个值,记录型B中可以由N个值(N>=0)与之联系,反之,若记录型B中的每一个值,记录型A中至多有一个值与之对应,则称记录型A与记录型B之间是【 】的联系。
[单选题]列车发生火灾哪个不属于值站的现场处置?( )
A.接OCC通知区间列车发生火灾,立即报值站、驻站民警,并根据OCC命令报119、120。 B.准备相应应急备品(如对讲机、应急灯、扩音器、荧光衣、800兆电台等)做好区间疏散准备。 C.区间疏散准备工作完成,到达相应端门处后,通知行值。 D.至现场组织乘客向OCC决定的方向疏散。" [判断题]空气呼吸器最高工作压力为60MPA。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
以下提供若干组考题,每组考题共同使用在考题前列出的A、B、C、D、E五个备选答案。请从中选择一个与问题关系最密切的答案。某个备选答案可能被选择一次、多次或不被选择。 丧失亲人后,从悲痛中解脱出来,开始新的生活 A. 生理层次 B. 社会文化层次 C. 专业层次 D. 心理层次 E. 技术层次 [单选题]广播系统各模块的供电电压是()V。
A.DC48 B.AC220 C.AC380 D.DC24 [单项选择]National Parks have more and more visitors each year. In the last ten years the number of campers using the camp sites has more than doubled. Camping as a family vacation has suddenly become extremely popular in America. It is a cheap way to travel; its simple pleasures are a pleasant change from hectic urban life; and it can be enjoyed by children of all ages.
In car trunks or in racks on top of cars, families load a tent, sleeping bags, inflatable mattresses, cooking pans and eating utensils, and an ice chest for storing food. When they arrive at a camping ground they find a cleared space in which to pitch their tent, a fireplace for cooking, and usually a picnic table and benches--water and firewood nearby. By evening they are settled under the stars, the campsite around them dotted with lights from cooking fires and lanterns hung from trees. Vacations are not all in resorts or in the wilderness. Swarms of vacationing Americans visit New York and Washington each year. They A. Vacations in America. B. Big Cities in America. C. American Family Life. D. Camping as a Family Vacation. [单选题]职工应该学习和掌握( ) 相关的知识。
A.职业卫生 B.文化 C.科学 [多选题]2.249.第249题
降低管理线损具体应抓好的工作有()和加强用户的用电分析。 A.加强计量管理 B.按时到位正确抄表 C.计量装置采取防盗措施 D.建立测录制度 [单选题]使用滑车起重量在10t~20t的滑车组时,两组滑车轴心间的距离不得小于( )mm。
A.800 B.1000 C.1200 D.1500 [单选题]电气化区段除专业人员按规定作业外,任何人及所携带的物件、作业工器具、机 械设备等须与牵引供电设备高压带电部分保持( )以上的距离。
A.0.8 m B.1m C.1.2 m D.2 m 我来回答: 提交