He discovered from the timetable that the train was
{{U}} (56) {{/U}} in twenty minutes. Edgar settled himself into a corner,
worried {{U}} (57) {{/U}} when people saw him they would all wonder
{{U}} (58) {{/U}} a child like him was making a train journey alone. He
sighed with {{U}} (59) {{/U}} when at last he heard the first sound of
the train and then saw it roar in the train {{U}} (60) {{/U}} was to take
him out into the world. As he climbed {{U}} (61) {{/U}}he noticed his
ticket was second - class. He {{U}} (62) {{/U}} always traveled first –
class before and again he felt that everything had changed. There were
differences he had never {{U}} (63) {{/U}} before. His {{U}} (64)
{{/U}} companions were not {{U}} (65) {{/U}} those he usually met.
Some Italian workmen with hard hands and rough voices sat opposite,
{{U}} (66) {{/U}} spades A. in case B. in brief C. in no case D. in fact [多选题]环磷酰胺的主要副作用正确的是
A.骨髓抑制 B.胃肠道反应 C.出血性膀胱炎 D.胰腺炎 E.脱发 [单项选择]Sociologists use "power" to refer to the capacity of people to control or influence the actions of others. Sociologists study power to (31) not only who exercise it, but also why it’s exercised and who benefits from its use.
Of wealth, power and prestige, power is the hardest to measure. Most studies are nothing more than an average of (32) about where power is found. Many forms of power are so (33) hidden that only its holders know the source. Because it’s so hard to (34) , and tied to ideology, the subject of power is a source of much (35) in sociology. Some maintain that power in America is concentrated in the (36) of a few people who have a common (37) and who tend to act together. Wright Mills (38) that America is (39) by a "power elite". Others believe that power in America is (40) among many groups and people. Sociologists do agree that real power may not always lie (41) we [填空题]高速铁路线路上临时插入的短轨,不得短于( ),不得连续插入,且必须尽快恢复。
[单选题] 排出管自建筑外墙面至排水检查井中心的距离不宜小于( )m。
A.1.5 B.2.0 C.3.0 D.4.5 [单选题]进入某工厂机器人(人工)焊接车间作业或者考察,除戴安全帽之外还需要佩戴或穿着( )。
A.防尘服、护目镜 B.护目镜、手套 C.手套、防静电帽 D.口罩、防静电帽 [判断题]发布行车调度命令,要一事一令,不得发布无关内容。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《中国铁路总公司关于大力发展铁路集装箱运输全面融入多式联运体系的实施意见》文件中提出的集装箱运输是全程门到门运输的主要实现方式,是中欧班列等国际联运及铁水联运的基本模式,也是铁路货运实现可持续发展的核心业务和货运增量行动的主要增长点。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]链条炉根据负荷变化的调整,主要是对煤层厚度、炉排速度和()三方面进行燃烧调节。
A. 加煤量 B. 加水量 C. 炉膛通风 D. 蒸汽量 [单选题]《安全生产法》规定,未经( )合格的从业人员,不得上岗作业。
A.基础知识教育 B.安全生产教育和培训 C.技术培训 [单选题]遇有电气设备着火时应立即将有关设备的电源切断。(1.0分)
A.对 B.错 [判断题]154、行政处罚决定依法作出后,当事人应当在行政处罚决定的期限内,予以履行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]裂解汽油加氢装置中可采用用串级调节的是()。
A. 脱戊烷塔灵敏板温度控制 B. 一段加氢反应器进料温度控制 C. 加热炉出口温度控制 D. 压缩机防喘振装置 [单项选择]
Greenspace facilities are contributing to an important extent to the quality of the urban environment. Fortunately, it is no longer necessary that every lecture or every book about this subject has to start with the proof of this idea. At present it is generally accepted, although more as a self-evident statement than on the base of a closely-reasoned scientific proof. The recognition of the importance of greenspaces in the urban environment is a first step on the right way; this does not mean, however, that sufficient details are known about the functions of greenspace in towns and about the way in which the inhabitants are using these spaces. As to this rather complex subject I shall, within the scope of this lecture, enter into one aspect only, namely the recreative function of greenspace facilities. [单选题]使用陶瓷容器装食物,不会造成食品污染。你认为这一说法:( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]1、个人防护用品的准备与使用
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [多项选择]“一带一路”到力于打造政治互信、经济融合、文化包容的()。
A. 利益共同体 B. 经济共同体 C. 责任共同体 D. 命运共同体 [多项选择]ZXWN CG计费网关系统组成()
A. 业务处理机SPU B. 操作维护子系统OMS C. 磁阵 D. 小型机 [单项选择]被称为亲细胞抗体的免疫球蛋白是()
A. IgE B. IgG C. IgD D. IgM E. IgA [简答题]六西格玛管理
[单选题]“始发列车检查范围和质量标准”:车轮轮缘垂直磨耗、( )不超限,
A.外侧缺损 B.内侧损坏 C.内侧缺损 D.外侧损坏 [单选题]WHO推荐检查精液中中性粒细胞的方法是
A.不染色法 B.Wright染色 C.Giemsa染色 D.革兰染色 E.正甲苯胺蓝过氧化酶染色 [单选题]在卸酸碱作业区,工作现场必须备有( )和2%的硼酸溶液等急救用品及工业水源。
A.0.5%的碳酸氢钠 B.0.5%的碳酸钠 C.0.5%的氢氧化钠 [判断题]客户应当在与证券公司签订《融资融券合同》时,向证券公司申报其本人及关联人持有的全部证券账户。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]铁路综合视频监控系统的视频业务通过( )承载,视频采集点的视频信息可通过光缆、电缆或无线传输等方式接入到所属的视频接入节点。
A.互联网 B.局域网 C.2M 传输网 D.数据网 [判断题](类别:号段管理难度:中等)CMMI的连续式表示法表示项目的成熟度。()()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]最低失血量达何种程度可出现临床症状
A. 达循环血量的5% B. 达循环血量的10% C. 达循环血量的15% D. 达循环血量的20% E. 达循环血量的25% [单项选择]“三个代表”重要思想的主题是:
A. 不断推动生产力的发展 B. 把发展作为党执政兴国的第一要务 C. 实现最广大人民群众的根本利益 D. 中国特色社会主义建设 [判断题]经由6‰以上的坡道调车时,应连结车列的全部软管。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]大工业用电是指受电变压器容量在315千伏安及以上的下列用电(____)
A.电冶炼、烘焙、熔焊、电解、电化、电热的工业生产用电 B.铁路(包括地下铁路、城铁) C.航运 D.电车及石油(天然气、热力)加压站 [多项选择]男孩,8岁。午餐与祖父在街边进食海鲜饭。晚上两人先后出现呕吐腹泻,大便初为黄色稀水便、量多,进而变为水样便、米泔样便。无里急后重。近5小时无尿。体检:T36.7℃,P125次/分,BP70/50mmHg,R26次/分,嗜睡,脉搏细速,皮肤干燥,双肺未闻及啰音,心律齐,腹平软,肝脾未触及。消毒染有霍乱弧菌的衣物、食具,可用下列哪些方法()。
A. 0.5%漂白粉 B. 1%漂白粉 C. 2%漂白粉 D. 3%漂白粉 E. 0.5%过氧乙酸 F. 煮沸 我来回答: 提交