Sport is heading for an indissoluble
marriage with television and the passive spectator will enjoy a private
paradise. All of this will be in the future of sport. The spectator(the
television audience) will be the priority(优先) and professional clubs will have
to readjust their structures to adapt to the new reality: sport as a business.
The new technologies will mean that spectators will no longer have to wait for broadcasts by the conventional channels. They will be the ones who decide what to see. And they will have to pay for it. In the United States the system of the future has already started: pay-as-you-view. Everything will be offered by television and the spectator will only have to choose. The review Sports Illustrated recently published a full profile of the life of the supporter at home in the middle of the next century. A. Sport is combined with television. B. Sport controls television. C. Television dictates sport. D. Sport and television will go their own ways. [单选题]车用消防泵进行真空密封性能试验时,1min内的真空降落值不应大于( )kPa。
A.1.5 B.2.6 C. 5 D. 15 [判断题]配电线路和设备停电后,在未拉开有关隔离开关(刀闸)和做好安全措施前,不得触及线路和设备或进入遮栏(围栏),以防突然来电。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]生产经营单位应当关注从业人员的身体、心理状况和行为习惯,加强对从业人员的心理疏导、精神慰藉,严格落实( ),防范从业人员行为异常导致事故发生。
A. 岗位安全生产责任 B. 全员安全生产责任 C. 安全培训制度 D. 教育培训制度 [单项选择]下列哪一点不是可摘局部义齿固位体必须具备的条件
A. 无异物感 B. 对基牙不产生矫治性移位 C. 不易积存食物 D. 避免口内使用不同种类的金属 E. 取戴时,对基牙无侧方压力 [填空题]未加酒精的葡萄汁( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]训练必须由干部组织,训练前根据科目设置安全员,进 行针对性的安全教育,讲清注意事项,强调安全纪律;严格按训 练科目要求着装,不得携带打火机、手机、钥匙、手表、笔、刀 剪等与训练无关的物品。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]I wasn't qualified for the job really but I got it {{U}}anyhow{{/U}}.
A. besides B. anyway C. well D. anymore [多选题]桂附地黄丸是治疗肾阳不足之腰膝酸冷,肢体浮肿的常用中成药,其使用注意事项有
A.孕妇慎用 B.不宜长期服用 C.肺热津伤者慎用 D.阴虚内热消渴者慎用 E.服药期间宜节制房事 [单项选择]植物缺氮时,首先从植物的()开始表现症状。
A. 老的组织 B. 新叶部分 C. 植物的茎干 [判断题]( )低毒物质进入人体所引发的病变称慢性中毒。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]提出了《医德十二箴》的人是( )
A. 宋国宾 B. 希波克拉底 C. 帕茨瓦尔 D. 古印度的医学经典 E. 胡佛兰德 [单选题]根据《配电安规》,腰带和保险带、绳应有足够的机械强度,材质应耐磨,卡环(钩)应具有保险装置,操作应灵活。保险带、绳使用长度在( )m以上的应加缓冲器。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [多选题]自助排障服务系统(四项功能)为( )、( )、( )、( )。
A.业务信息查询与呈现 B.处理流程导航 C.快捷功能前置 D.预处理能力输出 E.一键派单功能 我来回答: 提交