How to Read Books{{/B}} A number of recent books have reworked subjects, forms and writing techniques. Today’s children read stories about divorce, death, drugs, air pollution, political extremism and violence. Relying on the magic of the illustrator, all kinds of books are being published. Before they know how to read, babies can play with books made of cloth or books made to take in the bath. Later on, they are given picture books that may be cubical(立方形的) or triangular, outsized or very small. They also like work-books which come with water colours and paintbrushes, and comic books(漫画册) filled with details where they have to spot a figure hidden among thousands of others. Not that the traditional children’s books are being neglected. There are still storybook A. pass on to children B. made children believe C. teach children D. get around to children [单项选择]谈到电子商务的起源,人类利用电子手段开展各种商务活动的时代最早是通过()开始的。
A. 互联网 B. 电话 C. 电报 D. 电视 [判断题]( )零售客户经营用品是指按公司要求下发给零售客户的物品,主要包括下发给零售客户的各类书面通知、宣传材料及促销物品。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列人造板中,不适于制作家具的是______。
A. 中密度纤维板 B. 饰面刨花板 C. 硬质纤维板 D. 软质纤维板 [多选题]对容易造成群死群伤火灾的人员密集场所、易燃易爆单位和高层、地下公共建筑等火灾高危单位,除履行《消防安全责任制实施办法》第十五条、第十六条规定的职责外,还应当履行下列职责:( )
A. 定期召开消防安全工作例会,研究本单位消防工作,处理涉及消防经费投入、消防设施设备购置、火灾隐患整改等重大问题; B. 鼓励消防安全管理人取得注册消防工程师执业资格,消防安全责任人和特有工种人员须经消防安全培训;自动消防设施操作人员应取得建(构)筑物消防员资格证书; C. 专职消防队或微型消防站应当根据本单位火灾危险特性配备相应的消防装备器材,储备足够的灭火救援药剂和物资,定期组织消防业务学习和灭火技能训练; D. 按照国家标准配备应急逃生设施设备和疏散引导器材; [单选题]下面不属于水土保持“三同时”制度的要求是( )。
A.同时设计 B.同时施工 C.同时竣工验收 D.同时投产使用 我来回答: 提交