The history of African—Americans during the past 400 years is traditionally narrated (1) an ongoing struggle against (2) and indifference on the part of the American mainstream, and a struggle (3) as an upward movement is (4) toward ever more justice and opportunity.
Technology in and of (5) is not at fault; it’s much too simple to say that gunpowder or agricultural machinery or fiber optics (6) been the enemy of an (7) group of people. A certain machine is put (8) work in a certain way—the purpose (9) which it was designed. The people who design the machines are not intent on unleashing chaos; they are usually trying to (10) a task more quickly, cleanly, or cheaply, (11) the imperative of innovation and efficiency that has ruled Western civilization (12) the Renaissance.
Mastery of technology is second only (13) money as the true measure of accomplishment
A. have
B. to have
C. has
D. to has
马作的卢飞快,弓如霹雳弦惊。 了却君王天下事,赢得生前身后名。可怜白发生。
A. 作者认为辛词是“用刀和剑刻成的”,是因为词人曾有过亲身在刀刃剑尖上滚过的生活经历。
B. 作者把辛弃疾与陶渊明、白居易相比较,意在说明辛弃疾在政治上的大起大落,大进大退,在诗词创作上的伟大成就。
C. 苏东坡身处北宋太平盛事,没有民族仇、复国志来炼词魂,因而作者认为苏不是真正的豪放派词人。
D. 历史的风云,民族的仇恨,正与邪的搏击,爱与恨的纠缠,锤炼了辛弃疾的思想,因而,他叹口气也是一首好词。
We know that many animals do not stay
in one place. Birds, fish and other animals move from one place to another at a
certain time. They move for different reasons: most of them move to find food
more easily, but others move to get away from places that are too
crowded. When cold weather comes, many birds move to warmer places to find food. Some fishes give birth in warm water and move to cold water to feed. The most famous migration (迁移) is probably the migration of fish, which is called "salmon". This fish is born in fresh water but it travels many miles to salt water. There it spends its life. When it is old, it returns to its birthplace in fresh water. Then it gives birth and dies there. In northern Europe, there is a kind of mouse. They leave their mountain homes when they become too crowded. They move down to the low land. S A. Animals move in order to find food more easily. B. The migration of the fish called "salmon" is the most famous migration. C. Living things move from one place to another because they like to travel. D. Sometimes we know why and how living things move from one place to another, but sometimes we don’t. [单选题](单选题,1 分)
临产后子宫收缩以宫底最强,子宫下段最弱,此特性称为子宫收缩的 A.节律性 B.规律性 C.极性 D.对称性 E.缩复作用 教师批阅 [多选题]光纤复合架空地线(OPGW)对配套金具的安装主要有哪些要求。( )
A.耐张预绞丝缠绕间隙均匀,绞丝末端应与光缆相吻合,预绞丝不得受损 B.悬垂线夹预绞丝间隙均匀,不得交叉,金具串应垂直地面,顺线路方向偏移角度不得大于5°,且偏移量不得超过100mm C.防振锤安装尺寸、力矩应满足以下条件:①安装距离偏差不大于30mm;②安装位置、数量、方向、锤头朝向和螺栓紧固力矩符合设计要求 D.螺栓、销钉、弹簧销子穿入方向:顺线路方向宜向受电侧,横线路方向宜由内向外,垂直方向宜由上向下 [单项选择]地(州、市)中心机构向省机构请领重要空白凭证时,原则上按不超过()的实际使用量核发。
A. 半个月 B. 1个月 C. 2个月 D. 3个月 [单选题]并联电路的总电流为各支路电流(____)。
A.之和 B.之积 C.之商 D.倒数和 [单选题]LKJ-2000监控装置以红色曲线方式显示当前区段的限制速度和前方( )m以内的线路限速情况。《LKJ2000型列车运行监控记录装置》P253
A.2000 B.4000 C.6000 我来回答: 提交