W: Good afternoon, I’ m Rosa your flight stewardess.
M: Well, I’ ve got seat A4. I hope it’ s by window so that I can see the view.
It was a little after 5 a.m. in my home
when Jerzy Dudek, the Polish goalkeeper of Liverpool Football Club, saved a
penalty from Andriy Shevcbenko, a Ukrainian playing for AC Milan. The save ended
the most exciting sporting event you will ever see, secured for Liverpool the
top European soccer championship for the first time in 21 years, and allowed me
to breathe. Within seconds, my wife had called from London, and the e-mails
started to flood in -- the first from TIME’s Baghdad bureau, others from Sydney,
London, Washington and New York. In my fumbled excitement, I misdialed my
brother’s phone number three times. Then Steven Gerrard, Liverpool’s captain,
lifted the trophy, and behind the Cantonese chatter of the TV commentators I
could just make out 40,000 Liverpudlian voices singing their club’s anthem A. to shorten distance B. to remind you of childhood C. to give you a sense of home D. to make you find true love [单项选择]有关甲状旁腺的描述不准确的是
A. 正常甲状旁腺一般分为四个,上下各一对,分别贴附于左、右叶甲状腺背侧上下极的后缘 B. 甲状旁腺由主细胞、嗜酸性细胞和透明细胞组成 C. 透明细胞具有合成和分泌甲状旁腺激素(PTH)的作用,用于调节钙磷代谢、维持血钙平衡 D. 其中当甲状旁腺功能减低时,可引起血钙下降,出现手足抽搐症 E. 甲状旁腺功能亢进时,则引起骨质过度吸收,容易发生骨折 [多选题]处置完液氯槽车泄漏交通事故之后,对洗消污水的处理方法说法错误的是( )。
A.直接排放在河流里 B.经环保部门检测后排放 C.经医疗部门检测后排放 D.直接通过下水道排放 [单项选择]患儿女,10个月。因生长缓慢体重不增2个多月就诊,近2个月主要以米粉喂养,第一胎,第一产,足月顺产,出生体重3.5kg,母乳喂养至4个月,添加牛奶及米粉,影响患者生长发育的因素是()
A. 遗传 B. 孕母情况 C. 营养 D. 生活环境 E. 以上皆不是 [单选题] 单结晶体管亦称双基极二极管,它是具有()PN结的三端半导体元件。
A.一个 B.两个 C.三个 [填空题]
Historians and philosophers agree that ever since the
development of agriculture, human beings have had art effect on the natural
habitat (动植物生息地) of many plants and animal species. As human populations have
increased, as many as 6,000 species are disappearing each year. A number 10,000
times greater than before man appeared on the planet. In one day alone, say
scientists, some 45 kinds of plants and animals will die, some 17,500 species
will be wiped out.
In 1977, the United States Congress took an important step to help the ever - increasing number of endangered species. With the enforcement of the Endangered Species Act, some species have gained more public recognition than others. Elephants and whales, for example, have received far more media attention than have the smaller, less known, and less attractive species that are also endangered. Yet it is the tiny species, such as bugs and bacteria, that keep the planet in balance. Scientist [填空题]水样采集之后要进行保存,保存方法中以冷藏和冷冻为主,这种方法的作用是( )、( )、( )、( )。
A. 卡线器 B. 耐张线夹 C. 临锚 D. 过轮临锚 [单项选择]Internet是遍及全球的一个超大型计算机网络,下面关于Internet的叙述中,错误的是( )。
A. Internet是一种开放的广域网,原则上任何国家和地区的计算机都可以连接 Internet B. Internet上有大量的信息资源,用户通过浏览器即可下载连接在Internet上任何一台计算机上的数据和文件 C. Internet由许多异构的计算机网络互连而成 D. Internet既能以点对点的方式、也能以广播方式进行数据通信 [单项选择]造成牙齿邻面磨耗的主要原因是牙齿()
A. 远中移动 B. 近中移动 C. 垂直移动 D. 颊向移动 E. 舌向移动 [简答题]何为OFDM-TDMA?它有何特点?
A. 术前3天开始练习汤匙喂养 B. 术后患儿清醒后即可母乳喂养 C. 术前4~6小时开始禁食水 D. 术后可使用唇弓减张 E. 术后患儿完全清醒后4小时可以少量流汁,汤匙喂养 [单项选择]情况紧急,需要当场实施扣押措施的,民警应当在()内向公安机关负责人报告,并补办批准手续。
A. 12小时 B. 24小时 C. 8小时 D. 48小时 [单选题]获得性免疫缺陷病不包括
A.肾移植排斥反应 B.某些感染,如结核病导致免疫功能低下 C.恶性肿瘤及抗肿瘤治疗导致的免疫功能低下 D.AIDs E.蛋白丢失(肾病综合征)、淋巴细胞减少(应用皮质激素者)所致的免疫功能低下 [单选题] (易)( )民主集中制是民主基础上的集中和集中指导下的民主相结合。它既是党的( ),也是群众路线在党的生活中的运用。
A.根本原则 B.基本原则 C.根本组织原则 D.基本组织原则 我来回答: 提交