The road to controlling population growth in the 20th century was paved with good intentions and unpleasant policies that did not work, a new book argues an historian who grew up as the youngest of eight children might well be expected to approach the question of whether the world is overpopulated from an unusual angle. Matthew Connelly, a professor at Columbia University, dedicates his study of those who thought the planet had too many people and tried to do something about it to his parents, "for having so many children".
Yet, he assures the reader, it Was not his personal experience of large families that drew him to the subject. Mr. Connelly’s mentor, Paul Kennedy of Yale University, believed it was necessary to look beyond great-power rivalries to understand the post-cold-war era. In 1994 the pair wrote an article for Atlantic Mouthly arguing that population growth in poor countries, increasing awareness of global economic inequality and the
A. Some elated problems arise when world population increases quickly
B. Rapid population growth may have the potential to cause a war
C. Many birth control methods are potentially lethal
D. Most birth control devices would not endanger people’s lives
方案功能 | F1 | F2 | F3 | F4 | F5 |
F1 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
F2 | 3 |
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]温经汤组成药物中有( )
A. 山萸肉 B. 桂枝 C. 麦冬 D. 丹皮 [单选题]电力系统中一般使用( )进行无功补偿。
A.磁力补偿起动器 B.移相(并联)电容器 C.脉冲电容器 [单项选择]细胞壁稍厚,表面具有微细的斜向交错的纹理的纺锤形韧皮薄壁细胞可见于()的粉末中。
A. 人参 B. 当归 C. 黄芪 D. 天麻 [填空题]一人有限责任公司应当在公司登记中注明自然人独资或者法人独资,并在公司( )中载明。
[多选题] 功率因数低的危害有()。
A.增加了供电线路的损失,为了减少这种损失则必须增大供电线路的截面,这又增加了投资 B.增加了线路的电压降,降低了电压质量 C.降低了发、供电设备的利用率 D.增加了企业的电费支出,加大了成本 [多选题]三定五落实中五落实是指:落实( )、( )、( )、( )、( )。
A.A、责任 B.B、措施 C.C、资金 D.D、期限 E.E、应急预案 [单项选择]职业健康安全与环境管理体系标准由( )五大要素构成。
A. 方针,策划,实施与运行,检查和纠正措施,管理评审 B. 规范性引用文件,总要求,方针,实施与运行,管理评审 C. 范围,方针,策划,实施与运行,检查和纠正措施 D. 术语和定义,总要求,实施与运行,检查和纠正措施,管理评审 [判断题]生产经营单位主要负责人在事故报告和抢救中负有主要领导责任,必须履行及时、如实报告生产安全事故的法定义务。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列关于虚拟化概述说法错误的是?
A.Hypervisor是典型的多虚一架构 B.裸金属架构是将VMM直接运行在裸机上,使用和管理硬件底层 C.在宿主架构的虚拟化中,底层虚拟化软件需要依赖操作系统 D.虚拟化技术可将一台服务器的资源,分配给多个虚拟机使用 我来回答: 提交