如果本案中国家赔偿成立,则应由谁来承担赔偿责任()。 Rudolf Virchow was among the greatest
minds in medicine in the 19th century. As a result of his hard work and
determination, great strides were made in the fields of pathological and
physiological medicine. Virchow attended Friederich Institute where he studied
to become a physician. Throughout his studies, Virchow performed a plethora of
research disproving that phlebitis was the cause of most diseases. Once he
graduated from Friederich Institute, Virchow went on to study at the University
of Berlin where he became a medical doctor in 1843. He was championed as the
founder of cellular pathology because of his extensive research that disease is
created and reproduced at the cellular level of the body. Virchow also took on the role of educator. He was involved in opening a school of nursing in Friederic A. pathological histology was undeveloped B. most diseases were caused by phlebitis C. diseases were created at the cellular level of the body D. medical education should be based on physiology [单项选择]链霉素、四环素、氯霉素、红霉素、庆大霉素、卡那霉素、新霉素的作用()。
A. 阻碍细菌细胞壁的合成 B. 改变胞浆膜的渗透性,引起细菌直接溶解 C. 直接干扰细菌核酸的合成 D. 通过抑制叶酸合成,间接影响细菌细胞核酸合成 E. 阻碍细菌蛋白质的合成 [多选题]不属于乙类可燃液体闪点的是( )。
A.<60°C B.≥28°C C.>28°C,<60°C D.≥28°C,≤60°C E.<28°C [多选题]按照《国家电网公司电力安全工作规程(信息部分)》的规定,作业人员有权拒绝下列哪些类型的作业( )
A.违章指挥的作业 B.强令冒险的作业 C.赶工作进度的作业 D.由上级通过I6000下达的系统升级检修作业 [判断题]HXD2型电力机车在A节操纵时,制动柜上的平均管切换塞门 RBGEQ 必须转至主控位。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]探伤作业结束后,执仪探伤工应根据伤轨记录进行分析,并把伤损钢轨情况向工务段调度报告。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]A.离 B.其实 C.准时
D.坚持 E.后悔 F.偶尔 ______每个人都有优点和缺点。 [多项选择]资金占用费包括( )。
A. 借款利息 B. 债券利息 C. 优先股股息 D. 权益收益 E. 抵押款额 [单项选择]由于房地产经纪者与服务对象之间存在着较为明显的信息( )现象,因此对房地产经纪的管理必须十分注重房地产经纪业诚信管理。
A. 不真实 B. 不对称 C. 不共享 D. 不保密 [多项选择]肾下垂应与下列哪些疾病相鉴别
A. 异位肾 B. 腹部肿物 C. 肝脾肿大 D. 胃下垂 E. 多囊肾 [单项选择] You are the network administrator for Alpine Ski House. The network consists of a single Active Directory forest that contains five domains. The functional level of the forest is Windows 2000. You have not configured any universal groups in the forest. One domain is a child domain named child1.alpineskihouse.com that contains two domain controllers and 50 client computers. The functional level of the domain is Windows Server 2003. The network includes an Active Directory site named Site1 that contains two domain controllers. Site1 represents a remote clinic, and the location changes every few months. All of the computers in child1.alpineskihouse.com are located in the remote clinic. The single WAN connection that connects the remote clinic to the main network is often saturated or unavailable. Site1 does not include any global catalog servers. You create several new user accounts on the domain controllers located in Site1. You need to ensure that users in the remote clinic can always quickly and successfully log on to the domain. What should you do?()
A. Enable universal group membership caching in Site1. B. Add the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Lsa/IgnoreGCFailures key to the registry on both domain controllers in Site1. C. Add the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Lsa/IgnoreGCFailures key to the registry on all global catalog servers in the forest. D. Raise the functional level of the forest to Windows Server 2003. [判断题]特种设备登记标志应当置于该特种设备的显著位置,同时建立特种设备安全技术档案。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]含锂电池设备中电子吸烟装置的保护措施有( )。
A.防意外启动 B.全程关闭 C.禁止在飞机上充电或使用 D.可以在飞机上充电或使用 [单选题]通过深化产融协同、加强保险管理,构建()、规范高效、具有电网特色的保险保障体系,为建设“三型两网”世界一流能源互联网企业提供坚强保障。
A.局部覆盖 B.全面覆盖 C.全面协同 D.局部协同 [单项选择]“提高可持续发展的综合决策水平”运用的是( )手段。
A. 行政 B. 经济 C. 科技 D. 法律 [单选题]()单位应当在设计文件中注明涉及危大工程的重点部位和环节,提出保障工程周边环境安全和工程施工安全的意见,必要时进行专项设计。
A.建设 B.设计 C.施工 D.监理 E./ F./ [单选题]108.标准螺丝刀的长度规格指的是()。
A.A总长度 B.B刀体的长度 C.C木柄的长度 D.D刀口的长度 我来回答: 提交