For the past six years, crime rates
have been falling all over America. In some big cities, the fall has been
extraordinary. Between 1994 and 1997 in New York city violent crime fell by 39%
in central Harlem and by 45% in the once-terrifying South Bronx. The latest
figures released by the FBI, for 1997, show that serious crime continued to fall
in all the largest cities, though a little more slowly than in 1996. Violent crime fell by 5% in all, and by slightly more in cities with over 250,000 people. Property crimes have fallen, too, by more than 20% since 1980, so that the rates for burglary and car-theft are lower in America than they are in supposedly more law-abiding Britain and Scandinavia. And people have noticed. In 1994, 30% of Americans told pollsters that crime was the most important challenge facing the country. In A. the police are fussy. B. in a better environment, people’s behaviour improves. C. zero to tolerance is a failure. D. Mr. Guilioni disagreed with it. [单选题]在使用电气工具工作中,因故离开工作场所或暂时停止工作以及遇到临时停电时,应立即( )。
A.切断电源 B.挂牌 C.拆除工具 D.停止工作 [判断题]构件的刚度是指构件受力后抵抗破坏的能力。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]为什么电线接触不良会打火?
[单选题] NSA场景下,NSA辅站侧评估维度指标不包含()
A. SgNB异常释放率 B. SgNB Pscell变更成功率 C. Qos Flow建立 D. SgNB接入成功率 [单选题]根据《民用航空安全检查规则》第39条,根据国家有关法律法规和民航危险品运输管理规定等相关要求,属于经公共航空运输企业批准方能作为随身行李物品或者托运行李运输的特殊物品,旅客凭公共航空运输企业同意承运证明,经( )确认安全后放行。
A.安全检查 B.民航局 C.国务院 D.运输机场 [单选题]氯丙嗪在剂量过大时引起的低血压可用哪个药纠正( )
A.去甲肾上腺素 B.肾上腺素 C. 异丙肾上腺素 D.多巴胺 E.东莨菪碱 二、多选题 [名词解释]光性非均质体
A.put B.pwd C.get D.disconnect 我来回答: 提交