Passage 3 Though the glass building is modern enough, such scenes suggest that little has really changed at London’s ancient insurance market. For centuries, brokers and underwriters have performed similar rituals, in good times and in bad notably in the early 1990s, when Lloyd’s suffered such huge losses that it almost went under. But since it pulled back from the abyss in 1996, Lloyd’s has reinvented itself. It clings tenaciously to its historic trappings; but, in substance, it is as though it had died and come back in a new form. To see how Lloyd’ s has changed, look at who invests there. This year, Britain’s largest insurer, CGU, has moved its marine operation into Lloyd’s. March & McLennan, the world’s largest insurance broker, has helped to found a new Bermudian insurer that will underwrite from Lloyd’s. And the market ha [判断题]“师法自然”在造园艺术上包含两层内容,一是总体布局、组合要合乎自然,二是每个山水景象要素然的形象组合要合乎自然规律。()
[多选题]根据《合同法》规定,一方当事人可以请求人民法院或者仲裁机构变更或者撤销合同的情形包括( )
A.因重大误解而订立的 B.在订立合同时显失公平的 C.一方以欺诈胁迫的手段或者乘人之危,使对方在违背真实意思的情况下订立的 D.合同期限届满 E.行为人利用对方当事人的急迫需求或危难处境,迫使对方违背自己的真实意思而订立的合同 [判断题]公安机关交通管理部门及其交通警察、警务辅助人员办理机动车登记
工作,应当接受监察机关、公安机关督察审计部门等依法实施的监督, 并应当自觉接受社会和公民的监督。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )不是带传动中普通V 带外表面压印内容。
A.带型 B.基准长度 C.国标号 D.带宽 [多选题]拆并业务范围包括______以及全业务拆并。
A.对私存款和理财 B.对公存款和理财 C.贷款 D.贷记卡 [判断题]企业发生的停工损失应当在"停工损失"科目的借方归集,应由过失单位及过失人员或保险公司赔偿的部分,从本科目的贷方转入"其他应收款"等科目借方,属于自然灾害负担的转入"营业外支出"科目的借方,应由本月产品负担的部分转入"生产成本一基本生产成本"科目的借方,本科目月末有余额。()
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