Mrs. Brown had a small garden behind
her house, and in the spring she planted some vegetables in it. She looked after
them very carefully, and when summer came they looked very nice. One evening Mrs. Brown looked at her vegetables and said, "Tomorrow I am going to pick them, and then we can eat them." But early the next morning, her son ran into the kitchen and shouted, "Mum, Mum! Come quickly! Our neighbor’s ducks are in the garden and they are eating our vegetables!" Mrs. Brown ran out, but it was too late! All the vegetables were finished! Mrs. Brown cried, and her neighbor was very sorry, but that was the end of the vegetables. Then a few days before Christmas, the neighbor brought Mrs. Brown a parcel (包裹). In it was a beautiful fat duck, and on i [单项选择]某新生儿,生后20小时出现黄疸,并进行性加重,未予以治疗。现患儿出现尖叫、烦躁及惊厥,其可能原因为()
A. 感染 B. 重度贫血 C. 全身水肿,并同时伴脑水肿 D. 胆红素脑病 E. 颅内出血 [判断题](61315)( )干线客、货运机车的定修周期一般按机车走行公里确定。( )(2.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在塌方现场挖出一位伤员,面部青紫,烦躁,咳嗽剧烈,吸气呈三凹征,右胸壁压痛及反常呼吸,右股骨折断端外露,首要的紧急处理是()
A. 清创包扎固定右股骨骨折 B. 张力性气胸紧急行右胸腔减压 C. 清理口腔和呼吸道分泌物与异物 D. 加压包扎固定浮动胸壁消除连枷胸 E. 镇静吸氧 [单选题]【牵引】AC07受电弓绝缘体阻值﹥( )。
A.200MΩ B.300MΩ C.400MΩ D.500MΩ [判断题]对于面料的水洗方法,针对国标、欧标、美标三者的洗水时间是不同的
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Topping the class academically was certainly an advantage. Studying was a breeze for Nigel. The reward was certainly incomparable to the little effort that he had to put it. It began when he was selected to help the teachers in the computer laboratories.
The peak of his school career came not when he topped the school but when he was selected for the nationwide competition. Unlike everyone else, Nigel wanted to join the contest because he liked playing with the Lego sets and making something out of them. Nigel spent the next two months rebuilding his robot. It was during the time that Nigel found out about the prizes for the competition as well as another competitor. Alicia, from a neighboring school. His early intentions were forgotten. Getting the thousand-dollar prize was more important than anything else. Nigel decided to befriend Alicia. Unaware of his intentions, she told him all about the robot that she had been building for the competition. He even helped her to put the fi A. He tried to make friends with her. B. He was fond of building robots. C. He intended to help her. D. He didn’t want her to suspect him. [填空题] 8辆编组的动车组可( )回送。未装备列车运行监控装置的动车组需在CTCS-0/1级区段回送时,应采取( )方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]局部麻醉药中加入少量肾上腺素的目的是()
A. 升高血压 B. 延长局部麻醉药的作用时效 C. 减少呼吸道的分泌物 D. 减少麻醉药用量 E. 使病人情绪安定 [单选题]禁止作业人员擅自变更工作票中指定的接地线位置。如需变更,应由工作负责人征得()同意,并在工作票上注明变更情况。
A.工作许可人 B.调控值班员 C.工作票签发人 D.各小组负责人 [单项选择]某甲的儿子患重病住院,急需用钱又借贷无门,某乙趁机表示愿意借给2000元,但半年后须加倍偿还,否则以甲的房子代偿,甲表示同意。根据我国合同法的有关规定,甲、乙之间的借款合同:
A. 因显失公平而无效 B. 因显失公平而可撤销 C. 因乘人之危而无效 D. 因乘人之危而可撤销 [判断题]受到处分的事业单位工作人员对处分决定不服的可以申请复核,期间停止处分的执行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]临床使用R,S体的是()。
A. 盐酸左旋咪唑 B. 氯霉素 C. 肾上腺素 D. 马来酸氯苯那敏 E. 萘普生 [单选题]浙江移动用户可以发送短信( )到10086,办理营业停机
A.2100*服务密码 B.Saturday, September 30, 1905 C.2200*服务密码 D.Monday, January 08, 1906 [单选题]可燃物与氧化剂作用发生的放热反应,通常伴有(____)现象,称为燃烧。
A.火焰、发光 B.发光、发烟 C.火焰、发烟 D.火焰、发光和(或)发烟 [多项选择]电力系统由以下几个部分组成()。
A. 电源 B. 电力网络 C. 负荷 D. 直流系统 [判断题]氨的伤害途径为呼吸道吸入。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C, and D on ANSWER SHEET 1.