The oldest adult human skull yet found
belongs to the lowest grade of Homo erectus, and to the Australoid line. It is
known as Pithecanthropus (Ape-Man) Number 4, because it was the fourth of its
kind to be found. All four were unearthed in river banks in central Java. Number
4 is about 700,000 years old, and Numbers 1,2, and 3 between 600,000 and
500,000. We know this because tektites--small, glassy nodules from outer
space--were found in the same beds as the first three, and the beds containing
Number 4 lay underneath the tektite bed, along with the bones of a more ancient
group of animals. These tektites have been picked up in large numbers in Java,
the Philippines, and Australia, where they all fell in a single celestial
shower. Their age--approximately 600,000 years--has been accurately measured in
several laboratories by nuclear chemical analysis, thro A. modem man is larger B. modern man is smaller C. modern man is less brutal-looking D. Pithecanthropus Number l’s brain size was more than an Australopithecine’s [判断题]内燃机传动带松紧度调整的工作内容和要求:在两个带轮中间部位用大拇指以30~40N的力按下皮带,其挠度以10~15mm为宜。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 静力破碎是利用静力破碎剂固化膨胀力破碎混凝土、岩石等的一种技术。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在Word编辑状态下,将选定的文本块用鼠标拖动到指定的位置进行文本块的复制时,应按住的控制键是( )。
A.Ctrl B. Shift C.Alt D.回车 [判断题]( )汽车在不平的道路上行驶时发生前轮摆头,这是不平道路对前梁产生冲击进而使前轮绕主销角振
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]5.113. 第113题
架空绝缘配电线路工程验收时应提交()资料。 A.施工中的有关协议及文件 B.施工记录图 C.安装技术记录 D.交接试验记录 [单选题]远方操作()设备前,宜对现场发出提示信号,提醒现场人员远离操作设备。
A. 一次 B. 二次 C.通信 D. 计算机 [判断题]值勤:是指机组成员按照合格证持有人的要求执行的飞行任务,包括飞行值勤、置位、备份(包括主备份和其它备份)。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交