Mr. Smgh is nemighted (近视). One day he is walking in
the sTruet. A strong wind (强风) blows bis cap off his head (头). Mr. Smith begins
to mn after it. An old woman opens her window and speaks to him. "Hey! What are you doing " "Running after my cap "Your cap That’s our black cat you ice running after. Them is a cap on the sTruet behind you. " "Oh. my dew!" |
Many objects in daily use have clearly
been influenced by science. However, their form and function, their dimensions
and appearance, were determined by technologists, designers, inventors, and
engineers using nonscientific modes of thought. Many features and qualities of
the objects that a technologist thinks about cannot be reduced to unambiguous
verbal descriptions; they are dealt with in the mind by a visual, nonverbal
process, pyramids, cathedrals, and rockets exist not because of geometry or
thermos-dynamics (热动力学), because they were first the picture in the minds of
those. The creative shaping process of a technologist’s mind can be seen in nearly every artifact that exists. For example, in designing a diesel engine, a technologist might express individual ways of nonverbal thinking on the machine by continually u A. A.To challenge the argument that errors in engineering design are unavoidable. B.To support the idea that engineering design involves more than a sense of form. C.To criticize the view that mathematics is a necessary part of the study of design. D.To questions the idea that design courses form a part of engineering curricula. [单选题]以我国消防队伍配备的某型公众洗消站为例,操作压力( )(中)
A. 0.02MPa B. 0.1MPa C. 0.5MPa D. 1MPa [判断题]使用金属格构式跨越架时,跨越架的拉线位置应根据现场地形情况和架体组立高度确定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]冬天室温应该稍凉一点,保持在()为宜。
A.A、16-18℃ B.B、18-20℃ C.C、20-22℃ D.D、22-24℃ [多选题]局《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》中要求为旅客服务遇有失误时, 应向旅客( ); 对旅客的配合与支持应( )。
A.表示歉意 B.耐心解释 C.表示感谢 D.表示理解 [多选题]车道拦截追缴名单车辆分为“状态名单车辆”和“追缴名单车辆”
A.状态名单车辆 B.追缴名单车辆 C.黑名单车辆 D.白名单车辆 [单选题]根据《房屋建筑和市政基础设施工程施工图设计文件审查管理办法》,施工图审查机构需要 审查的内容是()
A.施工组织设计的合理性 B.施工方案的经济性 C.工程建设强制性标准的符合性 D.使用功能要求的符合性 [单项选择]吊顶格栅装钉时,四周以平线为准,中间按平线起拱,起拱高度应为房间(),纵横拱度均应吊匀。
A. 长向跨度的1/500 B. 短向跨度的1/500 C. 长向跨度的1/200 D. 短向跨度的1/200 [判断题]当发现计量箱、配电箱箱体带电时,应断开电源将其停电,查明带电原因,并作相应处理。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交