Walking to Exercise the Brain Do you think sitting and studying all the time will improve students’grades Think again.Getting some exercise may help,too. New research with older people suggests that taking regular walks helps them pay attention better than if they didn’t exercise. Previous research had shown that mice learn,remember,and pay attention better after a few weeks of working out on a running wheel.Mice that exercise have greater blood flow to the brain than those who don’t.Their brain cells also make more connections. Neuroscientists(神经科学家)from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign wanted to find out if the same thing is true for people.First,they measured the physical fitness of 41 adults,ages 58 to 77,after each person walked 1 mile.Then,participa A. 3 minutes. B. 45 minutes. C. 30 minutes. D. 10 minutes. [单项选择]天冬的药用部位为
A. 块根 B. 根茎 C. 块茎 D. 鳞茎 E. 球茎 [单项选择]治疗肝硬化肝肾阴虚证,应首选方剂是()
A. 柴胡疏肝散 B. 实脾饮 C. 中满分消丸 D. 茵陈蒿汤 E. 一贯煎合膈下逐瘀汤 [不定项选择题]A.腹壁浅动外侧,腹股沟韧带上方
A.腹壁浅动脉内侧,腹股沟韧带上方 B.腔隙韧带外侧,腹股沟韧带上方 C.腹壁下动脉外侧,腹股沟韧带上方 D.腹壁下动脉内侧,腹股沟韧带上方 E.腹股沟直疝的疝囊位于 [单项选择]会计科目是对于会计对象的具体内容进行分类核算的()
A. 标志 B. 账户 C. 结果 D. 指标 [单项选择]There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of mountain climbing than______ in the public mind today.
A. exists B. exist C. existing D. to exist [判断题]公司维稳办负责公司级应急预案演练。各单位负责本单位应急预案演练。公司维稳办根据情况,对公司级群体性事件专项应急预案组织进行演练,演练可以采取桌面、实战以及与地方政府协调等方式。各单位应根据公司要求和本单位实际,组织开展不限于以上方式的应急演练,公司将根据情况,组织对各单位应急预案演练的观摩。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]生熏白鱼的特点是( )、烟香浓郁、肉质细嫩。
A.色泽红亮 B.色泽白亮 C.色泽明亮 D.色泽银白 [单选题]具有独特发育周期的微生物是
A.支原体 B.衣原体 C.立克次体 D.螺旋体 E.疱疹病毒 [判断题]重要空白凭证应实行专库(柜)存放。保管库房应具备防火、防盗、防潮、防蛀等条件。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](87063)货车运用限度规定罐车鞍木与罐体局部间隙应小于或等于( )mm。(1.0分)
A.14 B.15 C.16 D.17 [单项选择]病历摘要:患者男性,58岁,平素情绪容易激动,2年前发现“高血压”平时服用降压药,血压控制良好,但患者时有头痛而眩,多为两侧,心烦易怒,夜寐不宁,多梦,口苦,今日头痛加剧遂来医院求诊,症见:头胀痛,两侧俱痛,相对烦躁,口苦,查体:舌质红,苔薄黄,脉弦数。该病人头痛考虑为何证?()
A. 内伤头痛,气滞血瘀 B. 内伤头痛,肝阳头痛 C. 内伤头痛,肝风头痛 D. 内伤头痛,阴虚阳亢 E. 内伤头痛,痰浊头痛 F. 内伤头痛,肾虚头痛 [判断题]指挥中心接到报警或上级指令时,应问清掌握救援类别、灾害规模、人员被困等情况
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交