Where Did All the Ships Go The Bermuda Triangle is one{{U}} (51) {{/U}}the greatest mysteries of the sea. In this triangular area between Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda in Atlantic, ships and airplanes{{U}} (52) {{/U}}to disappear more often than in{{U}} (53) {{/U}}parts of the ocean. And they do so{{U}} (54) {{/U}}leaving any sign of all accident or any dead bodies. It is{{U}} (55) {{/U}}that Christopher Columbus was the first person to record strange happenings in the area. His compass(指南针) stopped working, a flame came down from the sky, and a wave 100 to 200 feet high carried his ship about a mile away. The most famous disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle was the US Naval Air Flight 19.{{U}} (56) {{/U}} December 5,1945, five bomb A. often B. look C. sometimes D. seem [单选题]制片车间的洁净度范围( )
A.5um,ISO Class9 B.5um,ISO Class8 C.6um,ISO Class9 D.6um,ISO Class8 [多项选择]预防误吸和吸入性肺炎的措施有()
A. 术前禁食禁饮 B. 胃管吸引或机械催吐 C. 使用H2受体拮抗药 D. 使用灭吐灵 E. 麻醉诱导时合理头位、保持气道通畅及用带套囊的导管插管 [单项选择]国产中等硬度基托蜡的软化温度为
A. 18~20℃ B. 48~50℃ C. 58~60℃ D. 28~30℃ E. 38~40℃ [单选题]使用电话闭塞法行车时,列车占用区间的行车凭证为( )。 ( ) J321
A.绿色许可证 B.半自动闭塞发车进路通知书 C.路票 [单选题]侦察小组不少于( )人,由指挥员带领,严禁单独行动,情况复杂现场必须有单位知情人引导。
A.3 B.4 C.5 [单选题]爆炸性气体按引燃温度可以分为( )组。
A.5 B.4 C.6 [简答题]《华尔街日报》获取的美国国务院与国防部电子邮件显示,“鉴于当前情势”,国务院近东事务局正着手从本财政年度美国海外军事资金中,扣下对伊拉克的2.5亿美元援助;同时打算请白宫行政管理和预算局评估,能否从2021财年预算中再砍掉1亿美元。
[多选题]出于人身安全的考虑,在进行前端机构手动作业前需( )。
A.断空开 74-F13 B.切断风笛供风塞门 C.降弓 D.断主 [判断题]为防止疲劳破坏,快开门式压力容器应尽量减少局部结构的不连续。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对典型违章,应开展违章分析,做到原因分析清楚,责任落实到人,整改措施到位。对于( )、反复发生的同类型违章以及引发安全事件的违章,责任单位要按要求“说清楚”。
A.特别严重违章 B.较严重违章 C.严重违章 D.一般违章 我来回答: 提交