Most human beings actually decide
before they think. When any human being executive, specialized expert, or person
in the street—encounters a complex issue and forms an opinion, often within a
matter of seconds, how thoroughly has he or she explored the implications of the
various courses of action Answer: not very thoroughly. Very few people, no
matter how intelligent or experienced, can take inventory of the many branching
possibilities, possible outcomes, side effects, and undesired consequences of a
policy or a course of action in a matter of seconds. Yet, those who pride
themselves on being decisive often try to do just that. And once their brains
lock onto an opinion, most of their thinking thereafter consists of finding
support for it. A very serious side effect of argumentative decision making can be a lack of support for th A. to make decision by debate B. to apply the Internet and wireless computer technology C. to brake on the thinking process, slowing it down D. to create a level of conceptual clarity [单项选择]调试人员应善于总结()中常见故障,并能设法排除,同时还应有较高的工作责任心和严谨的工作作风。
A. 使用过程 B. 质量检验 C. 精度检验 D. 调试过程 [判断题]移动照明灯组不具有全方位泛光照明功能。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]( )是现代培训活动的首要环节。
A. 培训需求分析 B. 培训效果评估 C. 培训计划设计 D. 培训方法选择 [单选题] 电动工具外壳必须可靠接地,其所接电源必须装有(____)。
A. 熔断器 B. 保险丝 C. 漏电保护器 D. 开关 [单选题](单选题)剂量单位μg是()
A.毫克 B.毫微克 C.微微克 D.微克 E.毫微升 [多选题]《企业年金基金管理办法》规定,企业年金基金投资范围包括的金融产品有( )。
A.银行存款 B.中央银行票据 C.国债 D.大宗商品期货 [单项选择]低频脉冲电流作用的主要特点为()
A. 改善局部血液循环 B. 镇痛作用 C. 消炎作用 D. 兴奋神经、肌肉组织 E. 镇静作用 [单选题]在列检作业场、动态检查作业场显示:( )内现在车情况、作业场股道占用及空闲情况等;
A.到发站 B.区间站 C.通过站 D.编组站 [单选题]NG的黏度随温度上升而( )。
A. 增大 B. 减小 C. 不变 [填空题]韶山4型电力机车轴箱轴承组装间隙中修要求为( )。
A. 定期做妇科检查 B. 可靠避孕1年 C. 定期做hCG定量测定 D. 定期做阴道细胞学检查 E. 定期做胸部X线摄片 [判断题]担架旅客需要最后登机。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]我国的标准等级分为国家标准、行业标准、地方标准和企业标准四级。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]滑移法竖立桅杆和拆除桅杆作业要点是:控制好桅杆底部,不得有横向摆动或过大的水平推力,以确保安全平稳的竖立或拆除桅杆。
A.退行 B.推进 C.反方向运行 D.逆行 [简答题] EPS装置的组成?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]13. 《 个人贷款暂行管理办法》 规定, 一年以上的个人贷款, 展期期限累计与原贷款期限相加, 不得超过( )。
A.1 年 B.3 年 C.5 年 D.该贷款品种规定的最长贷款期限 [单选题]班务会,每( )开1次,由班长主持,通常星期日晚饭后进行,一般不超过半小时,主要是检查小结一周的工作;
A.天 B.周 C.月 D.半月 [单项选择]In her 26 years of teaching English, Shannon McGuire has seen countless misplaced commas, misspelled words and sentence fragments.
But the instructor at US’s Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge said her job is getting harder every day. "I kid you not, the number of errors that I’ve seen in the past few years have multiplied five times," she said. Experts say email and instant messaging are at least partly to blame for an increasing indifference toward the rules of grammar, spelling and sentence structure. They say the problem is most noticeable in college students and recently graduates. "They used to at least feel guilty (about mistakes)," said Naomi Baron, professor of linguistics at American University in Washington, D. C. "They didn’t necessarily write a little better, but at least they felt guilty." Ironically, Baron’s latest book, "Alphabet to Email: How Written English Evolved and Where It’s Heading," became a victim of sloppy proofreading. Th A. are the victims of the deteriorating education B. mostly have very bad handwriting C. don’t think they’re writing bad English D. are ashamed of their poor writing skills [单选题]女34岁,第一胎,常规骨盆测量,坐骨结节间径的正常值应为
A.7.5cm B.8.5~9.5cm C.10cm D.12cm E.12.5~13cm [单项选择]液晶电视的核心部件是()。
A. 电源系统 B. 信号接收与处理系统 C. 控制与驱动系统 D. 液晶显示屏和背光组件 [单项选择]
A. fined B. re-arrested C. arrested D. punished [多选题]输电线路通过电流时产生有功损耗参数的是(____)。
A.电阻 B.电抗 C.电纳 D.电导 [多项选择]社会主义初级阶段要实现的两大任务是
A. 集中精力发展社会生产力 B. 推动社会主义民主法制建设 C. 促进合理的分配制度 D. 推进社会公平与正义,特别是让正义成为社会主义国家制度的首要价值 [单选题]化疗废物容器装满多少不再使用() (1分.)
A.三分之一 B.三分之二 C.四分之三 D.二分之一 . [单项选择]抗休克治疗时,下列哪项药物对改善肾缺血有利( )。
A. 去甲肾上腺素 B. 肾上腺素 C. 多巴胺 D. 麻黄碱 E. 去氧肾上腺素 [单项选择]推断性统计学常用的方法是( )。
A. 用表格来概括数据 B. 用图形来概括数据 C. 用数论来概括数据 D. 回归分析模型 [判断题]当全网共用设备一方不能承载业务时,应及时通知对方。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列物质哪些属于有毒物质( )。
A.一氧化碳 B.金属钠 C.汽油蒸气 D.酸类蒸气 E.沥青燃烧产物 我来回答: 提交