The building crane, which has become the most striking feature of the urban landscape in Switzerland, is beginning to alter the mountain landscape as well. Districts of the Swiss Alps, which up to now have consisted of only a few disconnected small communities content with selling cheese and milk, perhaps a little lumber and seed potatoes, are today becoming parts of planned, developing regions. The new highway, the new skylift, the new multi-nationally-owned hotel will diversify the economy and raise the standard of living in the mountain areas, or so many Swiss regional planners and government officials hope.
The mountainous area of Switzerland, which accounts for nearly two-thirds of the total area of the country and only 12% of the total population, has always been the problem area. According to the last census in 1970, 750,000 people lived in the Swiss mountains. Compared with the rest of the country, incomes are lower, services are fewer, employment opportunities ar
A. other kinds of employment apart from fanning, must be encouraged
B. it is possible to create other jobs that will not completely destroy agriculture
C. mountain farmers are aware of the benefits of city living
D. if tourism is allowed to spread too far, farming will disappear
The blue, mystic Lake Elsinore lies in
an inland California valley which is teeming and steaming with hot springs.
Rimmed by shaggy mountains whose forested crests are reflected in its clear
waters, Lake Elsinore is the very personification of peace-but on it rests the
curse of Tondo. The lake has had a colorful history. Much of it lies buried in legend, and it is difficult to separate fact from fiction. There have been stories of underground volcanoes on the lake bottom, erupting, killing fish and discoloring the water. There have been stories of a playful sea serpent that lived in its depths. Long noted for its scenic beauty and health-giving waters, the lake was a famous resort in the Nineties. But long before the first white man had set foot along the shore of the lake, this part of California had been the home of the A. spell of bad luck B. hot air current C. strange tranquility D. storm of unusual duration [多选题]承运后交付前发生包装破损、松散时,承运人应及时修整。修整后编制客运记录,详细记载(),并在行李、包裹运输报单的记事栏内注明"××站整修",加盖站名戳。
A.A、整修人 B.B、破损原因 C.C、状况 D.D、整修后状态 [单选题]因检修设备拆卸的安全防护装置,正确的处理方法是( )
A.检修完毕后及时安装 B.易设备能运行为主,可稍候安装。 [单选题] PHF系列管线式负压比例混合器有PHF3、PHF4、PHF8和( )四种型号。
A.PHF9 B.PHF10 C.PHF14 D.PHF16 [单项选择]儿童期高热惊厥的发作数、持续时间和智力低下程度的关系是()
A. 没有关系 B. 正相关 C. 负相关 D. 几何级数比例 E. 对数关系 [单选题]患者,男,19岁。车祸致伤,来院急诊,神志矇胧,咯血、口鼻均有泥沙夹血外溢,呼吸困难,烦躁不安,左胸侧严重擦伤,肿胀,心律98次/min,血压120/90 mmHg,左大腿中度肿胀,有瘀斑和严重擦伤,此时最紧迫的抢救措施是( )
A.请胸外科医师会诊处理 B.清除上呼吸道异物,保持呼吸道通畅 C.开放静脉通道,输血 D.鼻导管低流量吸氧 E.左下肢夹板固定 [多选题]双块式和轨枕埋入式无砟道床,桥梁地段道床结构由()等部分组成。
A.双块式轨枕(或长枕) B.道床板 C.支承层 D.底座及凹槽周围弹性垫层 E.隔离层 [填空题]某企业为增值税一般纳税人,本期销售一台大型设备,全部价款20万元(不含增值税),分三期收款,按合同规定交付设备的第一期收50%的价款,以后两期收25%的价款,该设备的成本为16万元。该企业第一期应向购货单位收取的款项为()元。
A. 止血带应扎在伤口的近心端,并应尽量靠近伤口 B. 前臂和小腿不适于扎止血带 C. 上臂扎止血带时,应扎在下1/3处,以防损伤桡神经 D. 止血带与皮肤之间应加衬垫,以免损伤皮肤 E. 上止血带的伤员必须作标记,记上使用止血带日期、时间和部位并挂在醒目的部位,便于观察 [单项选择]HMIS站修数据如需进行修改,应向()书面汇报,经批准后方可进行。
A. 铁道部铁路货车主管部门 B. 铁路局货车主管部门 C. 车辆段技术部门 D. 车辆段调度部门 [多选题]切换过早问题分析指标有哪些?
A.特定两小区间切换出过早次数 B.通过重建回源小区的eNodeB内同频切换出执行成功次数 C.小区内通过重建回非源小区的eNodeB间同频切换出执行成功 D.通过重建回源小区的eNodeB间同频切换出执行成功次数 [单选题]遇数据换装时机车司机在外段出乘写卡的,承担写卡机务段会同对口电务段完成( ),经检查验证,确认无误后将相关参数回传交付方。
A.参数确认 B.参数导入 C.参数修改 D.参数审核 [单选题]P企业于2009年12月份购入一台管理用设备,实际成本为100万元,估计可使用10年,估计净残值为零,采用直线法计提折旧。2010年末,对该设备进行检查,估计其可收回金额为72万元。2011年末,再次检查估计该设备可收回金额为85万元,则2011年末应调整资产减值损失的金额为.万元。
A.0 B.16 C.14 D.12 [单选题]从运行原则上看,社会政策是政府向公民提供( )的政策,其秉承了非商业化原则。
A.社会治理 B.社会服务 C.社会救助 D.社会管理 [多选题]地质灾害自身严重性分级为哪几类?
A.极严重 B.严重 C.中等 D.轻微 [判断题]个人大额存单可以自动转存。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]书面记录指( )等。
A. 工单 B. 工作记录 C. 巡视记录 D. 操作记录 [填空题]《暴关图》反应的私设关卡,乱收费的情况发生在()。
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