Some people believe that you have to be a special kind of person to sell a product. But although it is clear that a successful salesman does need special talents and an open personality, many of the skills he uses are used by us all.
We build and keep relationships with different kinds of people, we listen to and take note of what they tell us and don’ t just enjoy the sound of our own voices, and we explain things to them or discuss ideas with them.
In the same way, any company needs to establish a personal relationship with its major clients and potential customers. It is often said that "people do business with people": a firm doesn’ t just deal impersonally (没有人情味地) with another firm. A person in the buying department regularly receives personal visits from people representing the fn-m’ s suppliers (供应商) --or in the case of department stores or chain stores, a team of buyers may travel around visiting their suppliers.
A. doesn't need any talent
B. needs to go out every day
C. should listen to his boss
D. should be able to work with different kinds of people
Children are{{U}} (62)
{{/U}}serious illnesses because of their parents smoking at home, rays the
government’s chief medical officer, who has warned adults not to light{{U}}
(63) {{/U}}in front of their sons and daughters. Sir Liam Donaldson, Britain’s most senior doctor, {{U}} (64) {{/U}}that there would be a further{{U}} (65) {{/U}}crackdown on smoking after the ban comes into force in England next Sunday. He promised renewed public health advertising campaigns to try to educate parents who smoke. "We will strengthen and make{{U}} (66) {{/U}}the message to parents about the risks to their children of smoking. This is something we will need to constantly remind them about." "{{U}} (67) {{/U}}the number of parents who make is falling, children’s exposure{{U}} (68) {{/U}}parental smoke remains "a problem area", he sa A. subtracting B. distracting C. abstracting D. contracting [单选题] 属于运用客车质量鉴定A类故障的是()。
A.坐席安装松动合计不超过2件 B.坐席标号不准确 C.坐席破损 D.缺少坐席 [判断题]警告、注意标志为如当心火灾为黄色。禁止、停止标志如紧急制动手柄或按扭为红色。()
A. 1/2张舍钠液50~100ml/kg B. 1/2张含钠液100~200ml/kg C. 2/3张含钠液50~100ml/kg D. 2:1等张含钠液20ml/kg E. 2:1等张含钠液100~120ml/kg [多项选择]根据《统计法》规定,下列行为中属于统计违法行为的有______。
A. 虚报瞒报统计资料 B. 伪造篡改统计资料 C. 提供不真实或者不完整的统计资料 D. 拒绝提供统计资料或者经催报后仍未按时提供统计资料 E. 迟报统计资料 [填空题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》(铁总运〔2016〕247号)规定,电梯、天桥、楼梯悬空侧按规定设置<--NRC-->,高度不低于1.7米。
[多项选择]宏观经济学研究的内容包括整个国家的( )。
A. 学习 B. 产出 C. 就业 D. 价格 E. 政策 [多选题]冰域救援中接近遇险人员的方法有( )等。
A.加设浮板冰面爬行 B.冰面铺设垫板 C.使用冰域救生筏 D.使用橡皮艇 [判断题]步行疏散时,通知设备管理部派接运大巴车前往车站及下桥点接驳乘客。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]具有磁力作用的空间范围称为()。
A. 磁性 B. 磁场 C. 磁场强度 D. 磁系 [单选题]为避免出现“气蚀”、“气缚”现象,离心泵工作时,调节阀一般不允许安装在其( )管道上。
A.旁路 B.回流 C.进口 D.出口 [判断题]大额风险暴露超标的县级农合机构,在整改达标前,可以参与发放新的银(社)团贷款。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《消防法》规定,任何单位和个人都有()的义务。
A.维护消防安全 B.保护消防设施 C.预防火灾 D.报告火警 E.参加灭火 [单项选择]低温慢煮食物,要尽可能运用各种天然新鲜的原料,通过低温烹调呈现出食物原有的关味,保持其中的营养。低温烹调用油很有讲究,应选择结构稳定且富含营养的()。
A. 大豆油 B. 调和油 C. 花生油 D. 橄榄油 [单选题]高、低压电力电缆敷设在巷道同一侧时,高、低压电缆之间的距离不得小于( )。
A.0.1m B.0.3m C.30mm D.50mm [单项选择]
某妇女,孕1产0,曾有过急产史,孕;39周,阵发性腹痛1小时见红,外测量骨:盆正常大小,无头盆不称,胎位正常,胎心130次/分,肛诊,宫口扩张6cm,先露+31小时后胎膜破,胎头拨露此时。 对胎儿、新生儿不会产生哪种影响()A. 早产 B. 先产 C. 胎儿窘迫 D. 新生儿颅内出血 E. 新生儿窒息 [单选题]( )148. 拆除框架结构建筑,必须按()的顺序进行施工。
A.次梁、主梁、楼板、柱子 B.楼板、次梁、主梁、柱子 C.楼板、次梁、柱子、主梁 [单选题]以下哪项是修订后的法人客户授信管理办法新增的业务品种之一?
A.贷款承诺 B.银行承兑汇票 C.国际贸易融资 D.保理 [判断题]分布式电源送出线路的继电保护不要求双重配置,可不配置光纤纵差保护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]积聚的病名首见于()。
A. 《内经》 B. 《难经》 C. 《诸病源候论》 D. 《医宗必读》 [单选题]失稳检测装置绝缘检测,使用500V( )对失稳装置七芯连接器进行绝缘测定,要求各插针绝缘电阻值应在1MΩ以上,若小于1MΩ须进行处理。
A.兆欧表 B.万用表 C.温度表 D.湿度表 [多项选择]证券发行制度包括( )。
A. 登记制 B. 注册制 C. 审批制 D. 核准制 [单项选择]计量泵的精度可达()。
A. ±5% B. ±8% C. ±1% D. ±3% [单选题]为了促进行政案件繁简分流,2019年1月1日施行的《公安机关办理行政案件程序规定》增加了轻微行政案件快速办理的相关内容。以下可以适用快速办理程序的案件是:
A.无业人员段某吸食毒品案 B.聋哑人张某偷开他人机动车案 C.退休人员孔某制造噪声干扰他人正常生活案 D.疑似精神病人刘某扰乱公共场所秩序案 我来回答: 提交