The exact year of Christ’s birth is not recorded, but the calendar began on the supposed date divides time into B.C. (before Christ) and A.D. (in the year of our Lord). Nor was the exact day of his birth known. For the first 300 years his birthday was celebrated on different days. It was not until the year 354 that December25th was chosen.
Christmas music is loved by all who hear and sing it every year. Carols, bells, and merry music have been a part of Christmas for centuries. Every Christmas Eve the bells ring to call people to church services. The most famous sleigh bells in the world belong to Santa Claus.
Christmas is a family festival. In the United States, no distance seems too great if it enables one to join the family circle for the holiday. All schools close for two weeks, parents welcome home their children and grandchildren and often open their doors to friends and strangers.
Mrs. Cook was born in a shopkeeper’s
family. Her father had several shops in the city and most of his friends are
important persons. The man liked his daughter very much and often took her to
the parties. He tried his best to satisfy her with everything and she wasn’t
afraid of anybody. She married Mr. Cook, a famous actor, when she was twenty-two. Her father gave her all and she does no housework at home. She often does everything she wants and makes all the family listen to her. She had a few servants, but none of them can wait on her. Neither the servants nor her husband likes her. Last week she employed a new servant called Betty. The girl had studied in a middle school before her father died in an accident. The girl is kind and clever. She had read a lot by then and now she knows much. She had been told about the woman A. The rich woman would pay her much B. The rich woman would be kind to her C. She hated to go on studying at school D. She had to earn some money for her family [多选题]渗漏险情监测具体方法一般有()。
A.外部观察 B.压管监测 C.电子仪器监测 D.下水观测 E.人工检测 [单项选择]气管的起始部位是()
A. 第1气管环 B. 环状软骨上缘 C. 环状软骨下缘 D. 甲状软骨下缘 E. 环甲膜 [单选题]加强对党的各级组织和全体党员的( ),把纪律挺在前面,注重抓早抓小。( )
A.教育、管理和监督 B.教育、管理和问责 C.管理、监督和问责 D.管理、问责和教育 [单选题]下列属于三类有责乘客投诉的是:
A.列车清客时,工作人员用物品敲打车厢、拉扯乘客 B.讥笑、谩骂乘客,讲有侮辱乘客自尊心和人格的话 C.未及时疏导乘客,造成车站拥挤,但未引发舆情或其他严重后果的 D.不主动维持乘客购票、进出站和候车秩序 [单项选择]月经周期的中期血或尿中出现LH峰表明()
A. 卵泡正在发育 B. 即将排卵 C. 黄体成熟 D. 黄体退化 E. 卵细胞已受精 [单项选择]伤后1—2周内
A. 患肢肌肉收缩活动为主 B. 除患肢外的各关节活动 C. 以重点关节为主的全面功能训练 D. 做好被动关节活动 E. 以骨折远、近侧骨关节活动为主 [单选题]钙通道阻滞剂治疗心绞痛的主要机制,下列哪项不正确?()
A.抑制心肌收缩,减少心肌耗氧量 B.扩张外周动脉,降低血压减轻后负荷 C.降低血液黏度,抗血小板聚集 D.解除冠状动脉痉挛,改善心肌供氧 E.减慢心率,减少心肌作功 [多项选择]律师风险代理收费制度包括()
A. 律师事务所与委托人签订风险代理合同 B. 最高收费金额不得高于收费合同约定标的额的50% C. 约定双方应承担的风险责任、收费方式、收费数额或比例 D. 收费数额或比例由双方协商 E. 最高收费金额不得高于收费合同约定标的额的30% [单选题]王某在一家医院趁人不备偷了一老人携带的200元前,当他准备离开医院是,听见被偷老人在医院大门口大哭,向周围的人诉说自己用来给孙子买药的钱不见了。王某动了恻隐之心,借口刚刚在医院门口捡到200元钱,将偷来的钱还给了老人。对于王某的违法行为,行政机关应当( )。
A.给予处罚 B.从轻处罚 C.减轻处罚 D.不予处罚 [单选题]为婴幼儿服药前应准备( )
A.温白开水 B.可乐 C.茶水 D.开水 [判断题]快速理赔指因我司政策.系统或人为失误.历史遗留问题(联通承接问题)等问题,导致错误收取客户费用,从快速解决客户争议角度出发,可采用快速理赔方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《渐江省集体合同条例》规定,尚未建立工会的用人单位,劳动者一方要求集体协商的,由地方工会或者( )指导劳动者一方推举协商代表,向用人单位提出集体协商要求
A.产业工会 B.地方政府 C.其他劳动者组织 D.上级总工会 我来回答: 提交