{{B}}Text{{/B}} It’s official that married people are healthier, or at least they think they are. An American survey of{{U}} (26) {{/U}}100 000 people shows that, despite changing social{{U}} (27) {{/U}}in society, there is a{{U}} (28) {{/U}}between being married and being{{U}} (29) {{/U}}. One reason could be that people{{U}} (30) {{/U}}physical, mental or emotional problems are less likely to marry in the first{{U}} (31) {{/U}}, but married people also benefit{{U}} (32) {{/U}}greater support from family and friends and this{{U}} (33) {{/U}}their health. Divorce and bereavement increase stress, as well as affecting m A. economically B. financially C. technically D. mentally [判断题]小企业会计准则》所称的销售商品收入与企业所得税法所规定的销售货物收入在构成上是一致的。
[单选题]患者,男,58 岁。近几个月来感觉四肢无力,下肢水肿,尿中泡沫增多,遂去医院就 诊。实验室检查:尿蛋白 50mg/dl,血浆蛋白 25g/L,总胆固醇 8.46mmol/L,甘油三酯 4.30mmol/L。结合其他的检查,诊断为肾病综合征。除采用氢氯噻嗪进行利尿消肿、卡托 普利减少尿蛋白外,该患者最主要应进行抗免疫与抗炎治疗,宜选用的药物是
A.泼尼松 B.阿司匹林 C.二甲双胍 D.丙硫氧嘧啶 E.丙酸睾酮 [单项选择]在下列关于关系的叙述中,错误的是
A. 表中任意两行的值不能相同 B. 表中任意两列的值不能相同 C. 行在表中的顺序无关紧要 D. 列在表中的顺序无关紧要 [判断题]逻辑学家罗素从符号逻辑的水平首先确认了不分明性。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]个贷业务原则上实行直接审批,一般个贷业务由()单签审批。
A. 客户部门负责人 B. 信贷部门负责人 C. 经营行负责人 D. 独立审批人 [单项选择]10年前小红的年龄是她女儿的7倍,15年后小红的年龄是她女儿的2倍,问女儿的年龄是多少
A. 10 B. 15 C. 45 D. 30 [填空题]
{{B}}PART ONE{{/B}} {{B}} · Look at the sentences below and following texts. · Which text does each sentence refer to · For each sentence 1--8, mark one letter A, B, C, D or E. · You will need to use some of the letters more than once.{{/B}} {{B}}A. Stratus signs La Creciente exploration contract{{/B}}
Colombian company Stratus Oil & Gas has signed an exploration and production contract with Colombia’s hydrocarbons regulator ANH for the La Creciente block in the north of the country, Canadian company Pacific Stratus said in a statement Tuesday. Stratus Oil & Gas is a wholly owned subsidiary of Gran Colombia Oil & Gas, which Pacific Stratus Ventures (TSXV: PVL. H) is in the process of acquiring. La Creciente, formerly known as Guepaje Sur, is in Sucre department, and covers 40,764 acres in San Jorge basin. The Guepaje and Ayombe gas fields are close by, so if La Creciente reaches production it will need only a 2km auxiliary pipe [单选题]人体对交流电流的耐受能力要低于对直流电流的耐受能力。()
A.正确 B.错误 C. D. E.略 [多选题]针对单宽用户有效的维系手段包括
A.迁转为融合产品 B.到期之前主动进行续费干预 C.等用户打电话续费 D.提高用户带宽提升使用感知 [单项选择]汉译英:“塑料桶;木箱;麻袋”,正确的翻译为()。
A. plastic drum;gunny bag;wooden case B. wooden case;gunny bag;plastic drum C. plastic drum;wooden case;gunny bag D. wooden case;plastic drum;gunny bag [单项选择]常用于分离组织和分散细胞的消化液包括
A. 胃蛋白酶和EDTA B. 胰蛋白酶和EDTA C. 内切酶和EDTA D. DNA聚合酶和EDTA E. 纤维蛋白酶和EDTA [填空题]回转窑紧急停工时回转窑按降温曲线降温或保温,防止( )脱落,遇到雨天要保持连续转窑。
[单选题]扶绝缘柄的人应( ),并采取防灼伤措施。
A.戴绝缘手套 B.站在绝缘垫上 C.穿绝缘靴 D.戴绝缘手套并站在绝缘垫上 我来回答: 提交