Work Schedule: Full Time |
Salary: $ 62,500- $ 92,000* |
Location: Washington, DC metropolitan area |
* Employees within the organization have opportunities for additional salary advancement to the Expert level. Software Systems Specialists are responsible for the planning, implementation and optimization of a wide variety of leading-edge systems software on Unix and Linux-based enterprise class servers used to meet critical intelligence needs. Team members are actively involved in the deployment of new Unix and Linux operating systems; introduction of new web,portal and JAVA application services, database administratio [单项选择]督导的最终目的是( )。
A. 保障服务的开展 B. 说服案主 C. 保持服务的效率和质量 D. 保持社会工作的顺利进行 [单项选择]A controversy erupted in the scientific community in early 1998 over the use of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) fingerprinting in criminal investigations. DNA fingerprinting was introduced in 1987 as a method to identify individuals based on a pattern seen in their DNA, the molecule of which genes are made. DNA is present in every cell of the body except red blood cells. DNA fingerprinting has been used successfully in various ways, such as to determine paternity where it is not clear who the father of a particular child is. However, it is in the area of criminal investigations that DNA fingerprinting has potentially powerful and controversial uses.
DNA fingerprinting and other DNA analysis techniques have revolutionized criminal investigations by giving investigators powerful new tools in the attempt to trove guilt, not just establish innocence. When used in criminal investigations, a DNA fingerprint pattern from a suspect is compared with a DNA fingerprint pattern obtained from such A. the methods used for blood-cell calculation are not accurate B. two different individuals of the same ethnic group may have the same DNA fingerprinting pattern C. a match is by chance left with fingerprints that happen to belong to two different individuals D. two different individuals leave two DNA samples [单选题]1电力监控系统故障抢修时,工作票可不经工作票签发人(),但应经工作票签发人同意,并在工作票备注栏中注明。
A.签发 B.书面签发 C.电话签发 D.口头签发 [单选题]重金属杂质一般以下列哪种金属为代表( )
A.银 B.铅 C.铬 D.铜 E.铋 [单选题] 环链手拉葫芦的规格有起重量(t). ( ).手拉力(kg).起重链数。
A.起重高度(m) B.起重力矩 C.起重宽度(m) D.使用强度 [单选题] 从新生儿开始,就要坚持与宝宝说话,要采取( )的姿势
A.背靠背 B.面对面 C.近距离 D.远距离 [单选题]干粉灭火器是以高压的( )作为动力将粉末灭火剂喷出进行灭火。
A. 二氧化碳 B. 碱性和酸性 C. 氧气 D. 氮气 [判断题]督察人员在现场督查中发现公安机关的人民警察违法违纪情节严重、影响恶劣的,以及拒绝、阻碍督察人员执行现场督查工作任务的,必要时,可以带离现场。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]为了防止矿渣绵脱落到主燃气道中,必须用()将他包裹密封好。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]甲亢突眼的眼部护理内容不包括( )
A.佩戴有色眼镜 B.睡前涂抗生素软膏 C.睡前或休息时,抬高头部 D.多食碘盐 E.加盖眼罩防止角膜损伤 [单选题]扑救重质油品火灾时,严防( )伤人。
A.沸溢喷溅 B.流淌火 C. 高温 D.水压 [判断题]起重机的稳定性安全系数值越大,说明起重机更易发生倾覆。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]机械密封属于()。
A.间隙节流密封 B.接触式密封 C.流体动力密封 [多选题]车辆应满足的标准有()。
A.A.EN B.B.GB C.C.DIN D.D.ISO [单项选择]情绪相对与情感而言,具有如下特点
A. 是情感的外在表现 B. 与社会需要是否获得满足有关 C. 高级的心理活动 D. 具有稳定性 E. 具有深刻性 [单项选择]最易导致持续性枕后位的骨盆为()
A. 均小骨盆 B. 扁平骨盆 C. 漏斗骨盆 D. 骨软化骨盆 E. 斜骨盆 [单选题]肾病综合征最常见的并发症是
A.循环衰竭 B.肾衰竭 C.感染 D.静脉血栓形成 E.蛋白及脂肪代谢紊乱 [单选题]三绕组变压器的零序保护是( )和保护区外单相接地故障的后备保护。
A.高压侧绕组 B.中压侧绕组 C.低压侧绕组 D.高低压侧绕组 [单项选择]化学毒物的一般毒性包括()。
A. 急性毒性、遗传毒性和亚慢性毒性 B. 急性毒性、遗传毒性和生殖毒性 C. 急性毒性、遗传毒性和慢性毒性 D. 急性毒性、遗传毒性和致畸性 E. 急性毒性、亚慢性毒性和慢性毒性 [判断题] ( )氨基酸补剂是已被证明有效的运动营养成分。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]抗硫水泥中不溶物不得超过()。
A. 1000 B. 400 C. 500 [判断题]2.40 对大中型客货车准驾车型科目二考试,省级公安机关交通管理部门可以根据实际新增考试内容。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]修井机当班保养的内容有()。
A. 检查液压油箱、分动箱、增高箱、绞车减速箱、带泵箱液面,不足时应加足油液 B. 检查各油、气管路及部件有无渗漏及其他异常情况,并进行维护和保养 C. 检查各部件运转时有无异常现象 D. 检查刹车块及气态离合器摩擦片磨损情况及刹带系统是否需要调整 E. 检查机械传动箱工作情况及传动齿轮响声 F. 检查井架及游动大钩系统有无异常;清洁、除去机器的油污、泥土、杂物 [单项选择]Passage One
Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.A. Get enough entertainment. B. Have more activities. C. Receive early education. D. Have regular checkups. [单项选择]库存实物轧账规定中明确:长时间不发生变动的库存实物,每月至少结库一次。这种“长时间不发生变动”是指()
A. 固定不变半个月以上 B. 固定不变一个月以上 C. 固定不变三个月以上 D. 固定不变六个月以上 我来回答: 提交