该计划编制采用什么表述形式为妥?1949—2008年公共卫生体系发展状况统计表 | |||
年份 | 卫生机构数(个) | 床位数(万张) | 卫生技术人员数(万人) |
1949 | 3670 | 8 | 51 |
1957 | 122954 | 30 | 104 |
1962 | 217985 | 69 | 141 |
1965 | 224266 | 77 | 153 |
1978 | 169732 | 185 | 246 |
1985 | 200866 | 223 | 341 |
1990 | 208734 | 259 | 390 |
2000 | 32 A. 5% B. 15% C. 25% D. 35% [单项选择]一般而言,分销选择程度越高,()
A. 对选择的强调性越大 B. 对选择的强调性越小 C. 对寻找潜在渠道成员的强调性越低 D. 选择中用到的标准越少 E. 将所有产品安置在适当位置的必要性就更强 [单选题]使用手拉葫芦前,应作无负荷的起落试验(),检查其刹车以及传动装置是否良好,然后再进行工作。
A.三次 B.二次 C.一次 [单选题] 辅助镜片与双焦眼镜近用基准点的复合后顶焦度为:-3.37-1.75×165,辅助镜片与双焦眼镜远用区的复合后顶焦度为:-5.87-1.75×165,则眼镜的近附加光度为( )D。
A.+2.12 B.+2.25 C.+2.37 D.+2.50 [单项选择]新轩逸的变速箱提供()多种变速模式
A. 700 B. 800 C. 1000 D. 1400 [多项选择]车辆运营成本从成本产生原因可分为______。
A. 设备成本 B. 运转成本 C. 维持成本 D. 人工成本 [填空题]违纪行为有关责任人员的区分:( )。
[单选题] 若至预定时间,一部分工作尚未完成,仍须继续工作而不妨碍送电者,在送电前,应按照送电后现场设备带电情况,( ),方可继续工作。
A.办理新的工作票,布置好安全措施后 B.办理工作联系单,布置好安全措施后 C.办理新的工作票,安全措施无需更改 D.无需办理新的工作票 [单选题]普通护照( ),持有人可以申请换发普通护照。
A.签证页即将使用完毕的 B.持有人身份证号码发生变化的 C.持有人有外文姓名的 D.遗失的 [单选题]1450原料使用连铸板坯公称厚度<180mm板坯厚度内控允许偏差( )mm 。
A.±5 B.±10 C.0~50 D.±6 [多选题]工作终结报告应按()方式进行。
A.当面报告 B.派人送达 C.短信报告 D.电话报告,并经复诵无误 E.略 F.略 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Kobe Bryant After 10 seasons wearing the No 8 on his back,Kobe Bryant will become No 24 next season.The reason for the surprising decision by the Los Angeles Lakers super guard last week has become a hot topic for debate. Bryant wore No 24 when he was in early high school,but he changed to No 33 in his senior year.He switched to No 8 when he was selected by the Lakers in 1996,and has not been changed since. Bryant has refused to explain the decision until the end of the play-offs(季后赛).So guessing Bryant's motive has become a popular game among NBA fans and newspaper columnists(专栏作家). There are all kinds of speculations.Many say that Bryant wants to leave the past behind and have a fresh start.He has often been criticized for playing to benefit himself and not the team as a whole.Others say that he may be trying to compare himself to Michael Jordan. Jordan was famous for his No 23 jersey(运动衫).Some, such as NBC Sport columnist Michael Ventre,argue that it is"all about money".Bryant will make more money by selling new jerseys to his fans. Some speculations are more about fun.For example,there is an opinion that Kobe is actually just a diehard(非常执着的)fan of the popular TV drama "24". All this talk has turned the number change into a major issue.It seems that there is a lot of fuss(大惊小怪)over something that should be pretty simple. Jersey numbers have their own special significance in American sports,especially basketball.Players choose their number when they join a team and they usually stick with that number for the rest of their career.When a great player retires,his team will honor him by retiring his number. To some extent,the jersey is the player,and the player is the jersey.Thus,when you see the famous No 23 for the Chicago Bulls,you immediately think about Michael Jordan.A No 32 Miami Heats jersey recalls the image of Shaquille O'Neal,and the Houston Rockets' No 11 belongs only to Yao Ming. Lots of stories are behind players' jersey number selections.Jordan said that he chose No 23 because it was roughly half of 45.Jordan's elder brother wore the No 45 in college. Yao Ming once revealed that the No 11 stands for two people in love一meaning him and his girlfriend Ye Li. How long has Bryant been wearing No 8? A.Since he started to play basketball. B.For ten seasons. C.Since he entered high school. D.Since he left the Lakers. [多选题]2.21.第21题根据《电能计量封印技术规范》,按型式分类,封印可分为:()
A.出厂封印 B.检定封印 C.卡扣式封印 D.穿线式封印 [简答题]2003年10月的一天,福建省某县大溪镇的被告人陈木某受陈某星(在逃)之托贩卖一名妇女,遂请自己的连襟陈荣某(在逃)帮助寻找买家,陈荣某找到某县国强乡的被告人陈福某。同月29日,陈木某、陈荣某带领陈福某至陈某星家见被拐卖的妇女被害人杨某,并由陈木某充当客家话翻译,帮助陈福某与“媒婆”谈价钱。被告人陈文某始终在场帮腔说男女双方均不错等促成成交的话。最后陈福某谈定以3300元买下杨淑某。次日,陈福某与其弟陈某清将33000元交给卖方,又拿1000元给陈某星后将杨淑某带回家中。陈木某将所得1000元分陈木某、陈文某个330元。同年11月9日,杨淑某从被告人陈福某家第一次逃跑。陈福某随即将杨淑某抓回,剪掉杨部分头发并严加看管。11月底,杨淑某第二次逃跑,当晚即被陈福某抓回。同年12月3日晚,杨淑某第三次逃跑。陈福某叫来被告人陈某清一起多方寻找,于同月5日凌晨在国强花溪水电站附近拦截到杨淑某。陈某清用摩托车将杨淑某载回陈福某家看管。当日11时许,杨淑某服农药自杀,经抢救无效死亡。本案中被告人陈福某、陈木某、陈文某、陈某清分别涉嫌什么罪名?
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