In the 20 years since the first cases of AIDS were detected, scientists say they have learned more about this viral disease than any other.
Yet Peter Piot, who directs the United Nations AIDS program, and Stefano Vella of Rome, president of the International AIDS Society, and other experts say reviewing unanswered questions could prove useful as a measure of progress for AIDS and other diseases.
Among the important broader scientific questions that remain:
41. ____
A long-standing belief is that cancer cells constantly develop and are held in check by a healthy immune system. But AIDS has challenged that belief. People with AIDS are much more prone to certain cancers like non-Hodgkins lymphomas and Kaposi’ s sarcoms, but not to breast, colon and lung, the most common cancers in the United States. This pattern suggests that an impaired immune system, at least the type that occurs in AIDS, does not allow common cancers to develop.
42. _
Social psychologists arc used to
hearing that their experiments are a waste of time because they just prove the
obvious, and tell us what we always knew. But there is a very simple and
effective riposte to this accusation. The trouble with folk-wisdom (what we
always knew) is that it tends to come in pairs of statements, both of which are
obviously’ true, but which—unfortunately—are mutually exclusive. For example,
birds of a feather flock together, but what about the attraction of opposites
Experiments may not be as much fun as intuitions, but they sometimes tell us
which proverbs are actually true, or (moor often) in what circumstances which
apply. There is one other preconception to be removed before tackling the question of whom we like and love, whom we find attractive and make friends with: "Why bother to study an area in wh A. it is only possible if a wide variety of experts are employed B. it is too complex a subject to be scientifically investigated C. no one has any difficulty in making friends D. we believe we are capable of dealing with it ourselves [判断题]一次成巷适用于一般的开拓巷道和准备巷道的施工,掘砌方法一般为全断面一次掘进。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](27905)所列材料中溶点最高的金属是( )。(1.0分)
A.铝 B.铜 C.纯铁 D.熟铁 [多项选择]在资产负债表中,资产按照其流动性排列时,下列排列方法错误的有()。
A. 存货、无形资产、货币资金、交易性金融资产 B. 交易性金融资产、存货、无形资产、货币资金 C. 无形资产、货币资金、交易性金融资产、存货 D. 货币资金、交易性金融资产、存货、无形资产 [判断题]所有公路收费站(不含收费的独立桥梁、隧道)对整车合法装载运输鲜活农产品车辆免收车辆通行费。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]A市B区人民检察院对B区公安局移送的案件作出不起诉的决定。下列做法正确的是()。 (1分)
A. · B区公安局认为不起诉决定错误,应当在收到不起诉决定书后7日以内制作要求复议意见书,经B区公安局负责人批准后,移送B区人民检察院复议 B. · 在复议意见作出之前,该案在押的犯罪嫌疑人应当继续羁押 C. · B区公安局要求复议的意见不被接受的,可以自收到复议决定书之日起5日内制作提请复核意见书提出复核 D. · 经B区公安局负责人批准后,提请复核意见书和人民检察院的复议决定书可一并提请A市人民检察院复核 [单选题]-空调建筑空调水系统的供冷量为1000kW,冷水供回水温差为5℃,水的比热为4.18kj/(kg.K),设计工程的水泵扬程为27m,对应的效率为70%。在设计工况下,水泵的轴功率为下列何值?
A.10~13kW B.13.1~15kW C.15.l~17kW D.17.1~19kW [判断题]泡沫喷雾灭火系统巡视要求规定在寒冷和严寒地区,运维人员应检查泡沫液储罐专用房的温度,应采取防冻措施,房间温度不应低于5℃。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]从我国目前的情况看,“其他土地权利”不包括( )。
A. 出售权 B. 地役权 C. 土地借用权 D. 耕作权 我来回答: 提交