Sleep is a funny thing. We’re taught
that we should get seven or eight hours a night, but a lot of us get by just
fine on less, and some of us actually sleep too much. A study out of the
University of Buffalo last month reported that people who routinely sleep more
than eight hours a day and are still tired are nearly three times as likely to
die of stroke — probably as a result of an underlying disorder that keeps them
from snoozing (睡) soundly. Doctors have their own special sleep problems. Residents (住院医生) are famously sleep deprived. When I was training to become a neurosurgeon, it was not unusual to work 40 hours in a row without rest. Most of us took k in stride, confident we could still deliver the highest quality of medical care. Maybe we shouldn’t have been so sum of ourselves. An article in the Journal of t A. To entertain the audience with some anecdotes. B. To discuss the cause of doctors’ sleep problems. C. To show the hostility doctors have against their patients. D. To exemplify the danger doctors face caused by lack of sleep. [单选题]由于流体具有黏滞性,所以在同一过流断面上的流速是( )
A.均匀的 B. 非均匀的 C.不能确定 D.零 [单选题]境外投资者将其所得的人民币利润汇出境内的,银行在审核外商投资企业有关利润处置决议及( )等有关材料后可直接办理。
A.纳税证明 B.资产负债表 C.利润表 D.资金用途证明 [多选题] 变压器分为( )。
A.油浸式变压器 B.干式变压器 C.配电变压器 D.特种变压器 E.电力变压器 [单项选择]转移性支出所占比重大,表明财政具有较强的( )。
A. 资源配置职能 B. 经济稳定职能 C. 收入分配职能 D. 平衡国际收支职能 [单项选择]肺孢子虫肺炎多发生在()
A. 青少年 B. 健康成年人 C. 有外伤史 D. 有游泳史 E. 免疫功能缺陷或低下者 [单项选择]电动机节能改造的目的在于减少各项损耗。目前常用的措施有:采用磁性槽泥;采用新型节能风机;()改接等。
A. 绕组; B. 线路; C. 端子; D. 组别 [单选题]渐开线直齿轮发生根切在场合.
A.模数较大 B.齿数较少 C.模数较少 [单项选择]下列评价指标中不属于盈利能力分析的是()。
A. 总投资收益率 B. 财务净现值 C. 投资回收期 D. 借款偿还期 [单选题]冷藏仓库及商业用的活动冷库、商场内的冷藏、冷冻柜、制冰机等用电,设备总容量在3千瓦以上、能分表计量的执行( )。
A.商业用电电价; B.非居民生活用电电价; C.非工业电价; D.普通工业电价 [多选题]列车运行监控装置(LKJ)具有下列哪些功能()
A.监控 B.记录 C.显示 D.报警 [多选题]解决多径时延的方法有哪些
A.加CP B.时间分集 C.调整下倾角 D.调整方位角 我来回答: 提交