The most important time period in
television is called prime time (8.00-11.00 P.M. ) and is {{U}} (67)
{{/U}} by the major networks. {{U}} (68) {{/U}} FCC (美国联邦通讯委员会)
regulation the networks may provide {{U}} (69) {{/U}} 3 hours of
programming per night. During these hours the most expensive and {{U}} (70)
{{/U}} programs are aired, and the TV audience is the largest. The dominant {{U}} (71) {{/U}} of prime time network programming today are action-adventure {{U}} (72) {{/U}} , situation comedies, and movies. Specials and miniseries are also prominent {{U}} (73) {{/U}} the networks continue to experiment {{U}} (74) {{/U}} program stunting and other strategies to win the {{U}} (75) {{/U}} race. The only "live" programming — {{U}} (76) {{/U}} at the time of the {{U}} (77) {{/U}} — is various sports events such as ABC’s NFL Monday A. skill B. standard C. philosophy D. review [单项选择]病人烟龄40年,伴有慢性支气管炎术前禁烟需多长时间才有意义()。
A. 2周内 B. 2周 C. 4周 D. 6周 E. 8周以上 [判断题] 水可用于扑救木竹织物纸张等固体燃烧物的初期火灾,不适用于遇湿燃烧化学物品电气设备精密仪器及金属火灾。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]现代市场营销学认为,影响企业市场营销效果的因素来自两方面,包括()
A. 一个是市场营销战略,另一个是市场营销战术 B. 一个是企业的外在经营环境,另一个是企业内部经营管理 C. 一个是市场营销环境,另一个是市场营销组合 D. 一个是市场营销国际环境,另一个是市场营销国内环境 [多选题]放线、紧线前,应检查确认线盘架()。
A.A-制动可靠 B.B-稳固可靠 C.C-转动灵活 [单项选择]关于旋毛形线虫的描述错误的是
A. 感染阶段为幼虫的囊包 B. 完成生活史不需要更换宿主 C. 旋毛虫为一种动物源性寄生虫 D. 成虫寄生在宿主小肠内 E. 幼虫寄生在宿主肌肉内形成囊包 [判断题]自动查询机具有的车票查询功能仅能读取票卡信息,不具备写票功能。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]单击一次命令按钮之后,下列程序段的执行结果为( )。 Pubic Sub Proc(a( )As Integer) Static i As Integer Do a(i)=a(i)+a(i+1) i=i+1 Loop While i<2 End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click( ) Dim m As Integer,i As Integer,x(10)As Integer For i=0 To 4:x(i)=i+1:Next i For i=1 To 2:CallProc(x( )):Next i For i=0 To 4:Print x(i);Next i End Sub
A. 3 4 7 5 6 B. 3 5 7 4 5 C. 1 2 3 4 5 D. 1 2 3 5 7 [简答题]Directions: The following is a resume. After reading it,
you are required to complete the outline below it (No. 46 through No. 50). You
should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the Answer Sheet
Name: Lidia Sex: Female Address: Room 602, Dormitory Building 12, Peking University, Beijing. Date of Birth: June 16, 1983 Telephone: (010) 97××××56, 133××××6745 E-mail: Hobbies: swimming, tennis, Internet surfing, dancing Foreign Languages: English Objective: To work as a regional Sales representative who is responsible for sales activity and coordination Education: 2002—Present Studying at Peking University Bachelor of Arts in finance 1999—2002 Studying at Haidian No. 1 High School 1996—1999 Studying at Changhong No. 7 Junior High School Work Experience: [单项选择]We have to realise how old, how very old, we are. Nations are classified as "aged" when they have 7 per cent or more of their people aged 65 or above, and by about 1970 every one of the advanced countries had become like this. Of the really ancient societies, with over 13 per cent above 65, all are in Northwestern Europe. We know that we are getting even older, and that the nearer a society approximates to zero population growth, the older its population is likely to be-- at least, for any future that concerns us now.
To these now familiar facts a number of further facts may be added, some of them only recently recognised. There is the apparent paradox that the effective cause of the high proportion of the old is births rather than deaths. There is the economic principle that the dependency ratio-- the degree to which those who cannot earn depend for a living on those who can--is more advantageous in older societies like ours than in the younger societies of the developing world, be
A. all developed nations without exception. B. every one of Western European countries. C. Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. D. Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States. [单项选择]下列肝癌的临床表现中哪一项属于晚期表现
A. 腹胀、乏力 B. 消化道症状 C. 肝肿大 D. 肝区疼痛 E. 以上均不是 [单选题]下列哪项不属于井下容易发生局部瓦斯积聚的地点( )。
A.A、采煤工作面上隅角 B.B、顶板冒落空洞 C.C、采煤工作面回风尾巷 D.D、井底车场 [填空题]We can infer from the passage that privacy protection laws will soon be enforced.
[多选题] (多选题)甲酒店下列经营业务中,应按照 “销售服务 ——现代服务 ”税目计缴增值税的是( )。
A. 餐饮服务 B. 住宿服务 C. 会议服务 D. 车辆停放服务 [多选题]在钢轨上工作的钢制车轮达到以下哪些要求时应报废( )
A.轮缘厚度磨损达原厚度的25% B.影响性能的表面裂纹等缺陷 C. 轮缘厚度磨损达原厚度的50% D. 轮缘弯曲变形达原厚度的20% E. 踏面厚度磨损达原厚度的15% [单项选择]在习惯于讨论“报网一体”,习惯于总是呼吁“不要让门户网站免费掠夺传统报纸的报道”时,我们往往忽视另一方面:谁能够适应媒介融合,充分利用网络,使之成为建构自身“新闻网”的有效工具,并推进相应的人员变化、组织变迁、价值重塑,谁才能不被媒介融合的新传播体系淘汰。 本段文字意在表明( )。
A. 门户网站与传统报纸具有利益一致性 B. 报业传媒应该构建自身与网络的结合 C. 需要通过网络改造报纸的生产 D. 网络应该和报纸联合起来推动媒介融合 [单项选择]天然水水样中既有暂时硬度,又有永久硬度,而无钠盐碱度,则水样中碱度和硬度的关系是()。
A. 碱度<硬度 B. 碱度=硬度 C. 碱度>硬度 D. 无法判断 [单项选择]具有独立设计的施工图和相应的概预算,能够单独施工,但竣工后不能独立形成生产能力或发挥使用效益的工程是( )。
A. 建设项目 B. 工程项目 C. 单位工程 D. 分部工程 [多选题]可编程序控制器基本组成包括( )四大部分。
A.中央处理器 B.存储器 C.输入/输出组件 D.编程器 E.其它可选部件 [名词解释]利簋
[判断题]车载信号系统门模式AM自动开手动关 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]机车信号工作主机会通过串口输出机车信号代码信息给记录板。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]采用断开式车桥,发动机总成的的位置可以降低和前移,使汽车重心下降,提高了汽车行驶的( )。
A.动力性 B.经济性 C.平稳性 D.操纵性 [判断题]贷款展期限规定:短期借款的展期的期限累计不得超过原借款期限;中期借款展期的期限累计不得超过借款期限的一半;长期借款展期的累计不得超过3年。国家另有规定的除外。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交