根据案例二,完成下列各题 B公司在2003年4月1日发行5年期的债券,面值100元,票面利率10%,每年的3月31日付息,市场利率为9%,到期一次还本。 |
自然状态 | 损益值(万元) | |||
甲 | 乙 | 丙 | 丁 | |
需求量较高 | 4 | 9 | 18 | 30 |
需求量中等 |
[单选题]对违法行为轻微并当场改正完毕,依法可以不予行政处罚的,( )口头责令改正,并在检查记录上注明。
A.可以 B.应当 C.必须 D.宜 [单项选择]
In the desert world, the seasons differ from one region to another. The Gohi ,which lies roughly between 35℃ and 55℃ north of the equator, is a good example of seasonal change. [判断题]人员下道避车时应面向列车认真瞭望,防止列车上的抛落、坠落物伤人。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )是由单体液压支柱与可滑移顶梁组合而成的简易支架。
A.液压支架 B.滑移支架 C.掩护支架 [单选题]消防电梯的载重量不宜小于( )kg。
A.600 B.800 C.1000 D.1500 [单选题]关于火警探测,下列哪种情况会给出火警信号?
A.环路A故障,环路B火警 B.环路A火警,环路B火警 C.环路A故障,环路B在5秒内故障 D.以上的都给出火警信号 [单项选择]从法律意义上讲,工程招标和工程投标的行为分别是( )。
A. 要约,要约邀请 B. 要约,承诺 C. 要约邀请,要约 D. 要约,邀请 [单项选择]心理社会治疗模式的目标就是帮助服务对象( ),促进自身健康地成长。
A. 实现自己的人生价值 B. 实现个人与个人之间的有效沟通 C. 减小社会压力 D. 发掘自己的潜在能力 [单选题]病人,男性,24岁。以肥厚型梗阻性心肌病入院。在健康教育过程中,护士要特别提示病人不宜服用的药物是
A.美托洛尔 B.阿司匹林 C.心得安 D.黄连素 E.硝酸甘油 [单选题]门式脚手架的底层门架下端应设置纵、横向通长的扫地杆。纵向扫地杆应固定在距门架立杆底端不大于( )处的门架立杆上,横向扫地杆宜固定在紧靠纵向扫地杆下方的门架立杆上。
A.200mm B.250mm C.300mm D.350mm [简答题]
某家电销售企业,准备招聘3名地区销售主管,经过层层筛选,最终留下24名应聘者。将24名应聘者分为3组,使用无领导小组讨论法测评应聘者的计划能力、决策能力、影响能力、人际关系能力、团队合作能力、语言沟通能力。(18分) 请根据案例设计一份无领导小组评分表。(10分) [判断题]精刮时落刀要轻,起刀要快,每个研点只刮一刀,不能重复。
A. v=C1R2/3S1/2/n B. v=C1S3/R2/2/n C. v=R1R2/3C1/2/n D. v=C1R2/3S2/2/n [判断题]已审查批准的施工方案如需变更,施工单位内部组织审查即可。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]血液pH和气体分析的标本不能及时测定时,一般需将其保存在冰水中,这是为了达到以下哪项要求()
A. 防止CO2气体丧失 B. 防止糖酵解 C. 防止溶血 D. 防止血液浓缩 E. 防止O2气体丧失 [单选题]在信号机常态点灯的CTCS-2级自动闭塞区段,出站信号机(线路所通过信号机)故障时发出列车按LKJ(GYK)控车时,行车凭证为( ) 。J279
A.路票 B.绿色许可证 C.调度命令 [单选题]现行个人住房贷款的最长期限为()。
A.10年 B.20年 C.30年 D.25年 [单项选择]医务人员进行自我道德评价的方式是()
A. 名誉 B. 动机 C. 良心 D. 效果 E. 感觉 [多选题]开口杯法测定闪点的误差来源是()。
A.加热速度 B.点火频率采用5min 一次 C.增加搅拌器 D.火焰扫过杯口时间为5s E.火焰直接从杯口上方的油蒸气中划过 [单项选择]设备或管道采用硬质绝热制品时,应留设伸缩缝的正确选择项是()。
A. 在立式设备及垂直管道的支承件、法兰上面留设伸缩缝 B. 两固定管架间水平管道的绝热层应至少留设一道伸缩缝 C. 弯头两端的直管段上留一道伸缩缝 D. 两弯头之间的间距较小时,其直管段上的伸缩缝根据介质种类确定不留设 [判断题]粗苯管式炉辐射段压力≤250Pa
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]Text 3 Recently,a coalition of business and advocacy groups from around Washington gathered to kick off a campaign to enact a carbon pricing program Known as the Climate and Community Reinvestment Act of
C.,the plan would place a new tax on all fossil fuels bought or sold,with the hope of ultimately discouraging the use of these polluting energy sources.The big-picture goal of this campaign is admirable:to address the everdeepening crisis of climate chaos by dissuading the continued use of coal,oil and gas.But unfortunately,the approach-one based in a world of financial markets,trading schemes and enticing new public revenue streams-is inherently flawed.Simply put,carbon pricing is a false solution to climate change and a distraction from real,effective climate solutions we must urgently pursue.To date,there is scant evidence to indicate that carbon taxes lower greenhouse gas emissions.In fact,the opposite is true.Recently Food&Water Watch reviewed the British Columbia carbon tax program,often cited by advocates as an example of success.From 2009(the first full year of the tax)t0 2014,emissions from taxed sources grew by 4.3 percent.And in the seven years after the carbon tax took effect,total gasoline sales increased by 7.37 percent.Supporters of such plans like to focus on a deceivingly simple notion that increasing the price of a consumer good will automatically reduce its use.But this just isn't the case when it comes to the purchase of necessities.People must heat their homes in winter,and they must commute to work,regardless of the cost.Those backing the
C.carbon pricing plan like to note that revenue from the new tax would go toward investment in clean energy sources.But only 20 percent of the generated funds would be allocated in this manner.The rest would be shared out in tax breaks for businesses and rebates for consumers,another factor undercutting the notion that increased costs up front would change consumer behavior in the long run.Meanwhile,fossil fuel giants such as ExxonMobil are increasingly coming out in support of carbon pricing.This should be cause for alarm for anyone concerned with stamping out the use of the dirty energy sources these corporations profit from.Exxon knows that carbon taxes will do little to change the business-as-usual dependence on oil and gas that it relies on to continue operating and enriching shareholders.Furthermore,corporations such as Exxon rightly view carbon pricing schemes as a means of diverting energy and interest from tougher regulations that might actually encroach on their business plans and bottom lines.Despite what well-intentioned activists want to believe,there is no convenient,market-friendly solution to our serious climate condition.There is only the hard truth that we must tackle the problem at its source:We must stop using fossil fuels,and soon.The latest science indicates that in order to avoid the worst effects of deepening climate chaos,society must transition completely to clean,renewable energy by 2035.
The most suitable title for this text would be_____.
A.The Carbon Tax Fallacy B.The Climate Change Myth C.The Call for Clean Energy D.The Causes of Climate Chaos [单选题]在齿轮的画法中,齿顶圆用( )表示。
A.粗实线; B.细实线; C.点划线; D.虚线 [单选题]下列哪一项事故发生后,会出现的瘟疫、饥荒等次生灾害,使灾情趋于复杂化、扩大化。( )
A.可燃气体泄露 B.道路交通事故 C.飞行器事故 D.洪涝灾害 [单项选择]要出版一部好的作品,除了需要作者有丰富的阅历、深邃的思想和高贵的语言以外,还需要编辑有强烈的社会责任感和_____的严谨作风。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
A. 兢兢业业 B. 无微不至 C. 一丝不苟 D. 孜孜不倦 [多选题]某生产装置一换热器出现冷物料出口温度升高,可能发生了( )。
A.热物料进口温度升高 B.冷物料进口温度升高 C.冷物料流量下降 D.热物料流量下降 [单选题]银行业金融机构清分中心在银行业金融机构网点缴存的现金中发现假币,假币实物由()直接收缴。( )
A.清分中心的上级部门; B.清分中心; C.当地人民银行分支机构; D.中国人民银行总行。 我来回答: 提交