Susan Clark
377 Binding Way
Woodbury NJ 08096 (856) 832-4476
OBJECTIVE: position as a university history teacher
EDUCATION: Boston College, Boston MA, June 2003; bachelor of Arts. June 2001.
Major: American and World History with emphasis on government.
Minor: Secondary Education.
Financed 80% of education through employment, summer jobs and scholarships.
Woodbury Junior-Senior High School, Woodbury NJ Diploma. June 1997.
New Jersey State Scholarship recipient.
Student Council President. Varsity Athlete (tennis and swimming).
Student Teacher, New Fielding High School. Effectively organized time, space and resources to balance heavy workload and deadlines.
Tutor, Sylvan Learning Center. Instructed junior and senior high school students in the areas of History, English and study skills. (Sept. 2000-present)
Coached swimmers ages 10-12 (summers
If you leave a loaded weapon lying
around, it is bound to go off sooner or later. Snow- covered northern Europe
heard the gunshot loud and clear when Russia cut supplies to Ukraine this week
as part of a row about money and power, the two eternal battlegrounds of global
energy. From central Europe right across to France on the Atlantic seaboard, gas
supplies fell by more than one-third. For years Europeans had been telling
themselves that a cold-war enemy which had supplied them without fail could
still be depended on now it was an ally (of sorts). Suddenly, nobody was quite
so sure. Fearing the threat to its reputation as a supplier, Russia rapidly restored the gas and settled its differences with Ukraine. But it was an uncomfortable glimpse of the dangers for a continent that imports roughly half its gas and that Gerard Mestrallet, A. most often it works wonder B. Americans never welcome Europeans C. Russians hardly produce consuming stuff D. it depends heavily on oil import [单项选择]关于CEA,下述正确的是()
A. 早期胎儿的胃肠道及某些组织均有合成CEA的能力 B. 是一种特异性肿瘤标志物 C. ,临床上单独检测CEA可用于恶性肿瘤的诊断 D. CEA浓度与患者病情无关 E. 吸烟的人CEA浓度降低 [单选题]某钢铁公司铁矿石原料主要依赖进口,下列各项中,属于其市场风险的是()。
A.产品风险 B.信用风险 C.流动性风险 D.汇率风险 [单选题]电缆事故报告中,事故中止的时间指( )时间。
A.汇报时间 B.接头完毕 C.试验完毕 D.施工完毕(《11-048职业技能鉴定指导书电力电缆》-单选-第Lb3A3213题) [判断题]在实物构成上,国内生产总值是一定时期内一国范围内所有常住单位生产的增加值总和。( )
[多选题]工频电场中的电击可分为( )。
A.暂态电击 B.稳态电击 C.瞬时电击 D.工频电击 [判断题]企业自备电源可以自行接入电网内使用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]从园林的发展历史看大致可分为三个阶段:()、()以及大地景观规划阶段。
A.内 B.外 C.左 D.右 [单项选择]商业性开发以( )为出发点。
A. 私人利益 B. 公共利益 C. 集体利益 D. 他人利益 [简答题]荷兰殖民帝国盛衰及其原因
[单选题]停车前应缓慢地向道路右侧或停车地点靠近,轻踏( )踏板,使车辆停止
A.制动器 B.离合器 C.油门 D.转向离合器 [单选题]水泵的水力损失与流量( )。
A.成正比 B.二分之一成正比 C.平方成正比 D.立方成正比 [判断题]爆破片的安全可靠性取决于爆破片的材料、厚度和泄压面积。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题].最常见的甲状腺功能亢进症是
A. Graves病 B.自主性高功能甲状腺结节 C.碘甲亢 D.甲状腺炎伴甲亢 [单项选择]Don't let ______ that you know me. I want to keep it secret.
A. on B. up C. down D. go [多选题]用丹参注射液升血压宜联用的西药是
A.间羟胺 B.多巴胺 C.氨茶碱 D.色甘酸钠 E.磷酸可待因 我来回答: 提交