Passage One
Almost two-thirds of overseas students studying in the UK have few or no British friends, according to a survey among 5,000 overseas students, Britain’s Guardian newspaper reported last week.
The survey was carried out by the British Council, the council for international education, and Universities UK, an organization supporting the work of all the country’s universities.
The survey revealed only 7 percent of the students said most of their friends were from the UK; 32 percent said they had a mixture of UK and international student friends; and 59 percent said their only friends were international.
Some student leaders say one reason fox’ the trend is that overseas students are dedicate to their courses instead of their social lives.
In addition, many foreign students weren’t interested in the pub-centered drinking culture on British campuses, according to Will MacFarlane, student union general se
A. the number of overseas students is reduced in recent years
B. overseas students are not willing to make friends with British students
C. no overseas students have time to go to pubs in spare time
D. most overseas students have few British friends
Passage One
Almost two-thirds of overseas students studying in the UK have few or no British friends, according to a survey among 5,000 overseas students, Britain’s Guardian newspaper reported last week.
The survey was carried out by the British Council, the council for international education, and Universities UK, an organization supporting the work of all the country’s universities.
The survey revealed only 7 percent of the students said most of their friends were from the UK; 32 percent said they had a mixture of UK and international student friends; and 59 percent said their only friends were international.
Some student leaders say one reason fox’ the trend is that overseas students are dedicate to their courses instead of their social lives.
In addition, many foreign students weren’t interested in the pub-centered drinking culture on British campuses, according to Will MacFarlane, student union general se
A. be delicate to their study
B. take more social activities
C. be used to the life on campus
D. spend more time on all-English environment
Between the invention of agriculture
and the commercial revolution that marked the end of the Middle Ages, wealth and
technology developed slowly indeed. Medieval historians tell of the centuries it
took for key inventions like the watermill or the heavy plow to diffuse across
the landscape. During this period, increases in technology led to increases in
the population, with little if any appearing as an improvement in the median
standard of living. Even the first century of the industrial revolution produced more "improvements" than "revolutions" in standards of living. With the railroad and the spinning and weaving of textiles as important exceptions, most innovations of that period were innovations in how goods were produced and transported, and in new kinds of capital, but not in consumer goods. Standards of living improved A. believed that they were very much the same as their equals some two thousand years before. B. probably thought that great changes had occurred since Cicero. C. felt that qualitative changes had occurred in the last two thousand years. D. believed in the efficacy of slavery. [单项选择]标定HCl溶液时,应使用的基准物是()。
A. 草酸 B. 碳酸钠 C. 草酸钠 D. 重铬酸钾 [单项选择]甲亢时最常见的心律失常类型是()
A. 室性早搏 B. 房性早搏 C. 交界性早搏 D. 心房颤动 E. 房室传导阻滞 [单项选择]分娩过程中,胎头下降为“-1”是指( )
A. 胎头位于坐骨棘上1cm B. 胎头位于耻骨联合下1cm C. 胎头位于坐骨结节上1cm D. 胎头位于坐骨结节下1cm E. 胎头位于坐骨棘下1cm [单选题] 刘某迫于国家安全机关法治宣传的巨大压力,主动自首,交代其受境外间谍情报机关指使拍摄军事设施的违法事实,对刘某可以( )。
A.加重处罚 B.正常处罚 C.从轻、减轻或者免除处罚 D.不处罚 [单选题]用万用表精确测量电阻80Ω阻值时,应选择( )。
A.R31 B.R310 C.R3100 D.R31K [单选题]根据《电动汽车充换电设施建设安全管理实施细则》,省级电力公司安全目标要求不发生()级及以上的充电设施建设信息安全事件。
A.三 B.四 C.五 D.六 [判断题]在车站的正线和到发线,应设出站信号机。出站信号机应设在每一发车线的警冲标内方(对向道岔为尖轨尖端外方)适当地点。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在实践中燃烧训练室宜设有( ),可模拟(ABC)等效果,开展(ABC)选择正确的射水方法等训练,以及了解轰燃特点,正确采取进攻防护的措施。重复 (ABC)
A.控制室、燃烧床、轰燃模拟装置和燃烧训练辅助设施 B.燃、烟气流动等效果 C.建筑火灾扑救训练,选择进攻路线、占领进攻阵地、接近火点、 D.徒手攀登训练 [多选题]以下哪些属于影响运营生产事件的重要类信息:( )。
A.突发性的乘客打架(纠纷)、 聚众闹事、 上访等异常的综治事件 B.出现大额长、短款情况 C.不影响运营,但车站无法解决的一般性乘客投诉事件 D.施工异常情况(包括防护设置异常), 影响运营生产的事件 [单选题]无人值班所( )不少于2次进行,D安排1次夜间巡视。
A.每天 B.每周 C.每月 D.每季度 [不定项选择题]A.行间、侠溪、足三里
A.丘墟、心俞、内关 B.心俞、脾俞、足三里 C.太白、公孙、内关 D.丰隆、内庭、曲池 E.心胆气虚型不寐,除主穴外,应配合 [判断题]取样时应对样坯、试料和试样做出标记,以保证始终能识别取样的位置及方向。
[单项选择]1949~1957年,是我国城镇化的启动阶段,不能反映物质形态上的变化的是( )。
A. 乡村形态的减少 B. 城市人口的骤增 C. 工人新村崛起 D. 城市基础设施加快 [多选题]人际交往的原则是( )。
A.尊重与自我价值保护原则 B.信用与真诚原则 C.宽容与理解原则 D.平等与互益原则 我来回答: 提交