The first and most important agents of socialization are the people who care for infants. In the earliest months, messages from nurturers constitute the child’s basic understanding of the world around it. This is the infant’s first introduction to the language that shapes perception and elicits emotion.
Another powerful source of information and socialization is the friendship of peers. Peers are equals that one can deal with on the same level as oneself, whereas parents are superiors. The heavy emotional overlay of family relationships makes some kinds of learning difficult.
Much formal socialization is placed in the hands of professionals. Teachers from kindergarten on are specifically designated agents of socialization. Ideally, a teacher is one who has both knowledge and the skills to present it. During the course of teaching their subjects, classroom instructors provide role models and attempt to convey the excitement of learning itself.
A. the media
B. individuals
C. all channels
D. organizations
{{B}}Text{{/B}} … {{U}} (8) {{/U}}Thanksgiving turkey, it’ s hard to find{{U}} (9) {{/U}}"American" food. The United States is a land of{{U}} (10) {{/U}}. So Americans eat food from many different countries. When people move to America, they{{U}} (11) {{/U}}their cooking styles with them. That’ s why you can find almost every kind of{{U}} (12) {{/U}}food in America. In some cases, Americans have adopted foods from other countries as favorites. Americans love Italian pizza, Mexican tacos and Chinese egg rolls. But the American version doesn’ t taste quite like the{{U}} (13) {{/U}}. As with any large country, the US has several{{U}} (14) {{/U}}regions. Each region{{U}} (15) {{/U}}its own special style of food. Visit the South and enjoy country- A. common B. average C. general D. medium [判断题]ZYJ7转辙机的动作电流不大于1A。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]手术体位的组成( )
A.病人的姿势 B.体位垫的使用 C.手术床的操作 D.病人的积极配合 [多项选择]公司异常可以表现为( )。
A. 小公司的收益通常高于大公司的收益 B. 小公司的收益通常低于大公司的收益 C. 折价交易的封闭式基金收益率较高 D. 折价交易的封闭式基金收益率较低 [单选题]患者男性,60岁,有慢性支气管炎、肺气肿病史25年。近2日烦躁不安、失眠、多语,继而嗜睡。血气检查:pH7.25,PaCO21O.26kPa,PaO27.8kPa.治疗应首选下列哪种药物
A.4%碳酸氢钠 B.吸氧 C.盐酸哌替啶 D.地西泮(安定) E.尼可刹米 [单选题]关于应对方式问卷,错误的说法是( )。
A. 可以反映人们解决问题的能力 B. 能够提高人们的应对水平 C. 可以比较不同个体或群体的应对行为差异 D. 可以反映人的心理发展成熟的程度 [填空题]多港口的庞大运输网络而闻名,在开通航线()频度方面跻身亚洲领先者之列。
A. WPS B. Word C. Access D. Excel [单选题]转向垂臂装复到摇臂轴上,其端面应高出摇臂轴花键端面( ) mm。
A.2~5 B.1~2 C.2.5~3 D.0.5~1 [单选题]哪项不是影响化学消毒剂的因素( )
A.消毒药物的有效浓度 B.消毒剂的种类 C.消毒时间 D.微生物的种类 [判断题]基金管理公司为单一客户办理特定资产管理业务的,客户委托的初始资产不得低于2亿元人民币。 ( )
A.禁止向滑轮上套钢丝绳 B.禁止在卷筒、滑轮附近用手触碰运行中的钢丝绳 C.禁止跨越行走中的钢丝绳 D.禁止在导向滑轮的内侧逗留或通过 [判断题]支配机车日车公里=机车总走行公里/支配机车台日。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]朱砂安神丸组成有
A. 当归 B. 生地 C. 炙甘草 D. 芍药 E. 黄连 [不定项选择题]A.传出神经
A.效应器 B.神经中枢 C.感受器 D.传入神经 E.脊髓的抑制性中间神经元属于 [单项选择]羚角钩藤汤与天麻钩藤饮二方功用的主要相同之处是()
A. 平息内风 B. 增液舒筋 C. 滋阴息风 D. 清热活血 E. 滋阴潜阳 我来回答: 提交