{{B}}Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following
passage.{{/B}} Good jobs are scarce these days, with roughly 15 million Americans out of work and a national unemployment rate of 10 percent. President Obama tried to address the jobs crisis in his State of the Union by proposing a $ 33 billion tax credit for small businesses to hire new workers and by calling unemployment the most pressing item on his schedule. Apart from the federal government’s response to the jobs crisis, economists predict that certain industries such as health care, green technology, education and government, will grow in the coming years. Each week we search several job board--including Indeed, Vault and Yahoo to help us track the best job listings with salaries of $100 000 or more. For this week’s picks, we’ve presented jobs in new emerging fields: The A. Wind Energy Sales Director B. Sustainability Director C. Response Management Specialist D. Government Contract Manager [名词解释]行动理论
[单选题]( )塔里木油田天然气溢流的特点,选择压井方法时下列()要考虑。
A.井口情况 B.装备情况 C.控压情况 D.以上ABC [单选题]低压不停电工作。工作时,应戴( ),站在干燥的绝缘物上进行。
A.护目镜 B.安全帽和护目镜 C.手套、护目镜 D.绝缘手套、安全帽和护目镜 [单项选择]______ from the top of the tower, the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees.
A. Seen B. Seeing C. Having seen D. To see [多选题]某联社准备与某房产开发商合作住房按揭贷款业务,在进行开发商资质审查时应要求开发商提供的“五证”包括什么?
A.建设用地规划许可证 B.建设工程规划许可证 C.建设工程施工许可证 D.国有土地使用证 E.环保许可证 [简答题]防止粉尘二次飞扬的措施有哪些?
A. 清化热痰,和中安神 B. 疏肝泻火,镇心安神 C. 滋阴降火,交通心肾 D. 益气镇惊,安神定志 E. 补益心脾,养血安神 [填空题]现代汽车发动机的冷却方式有()和()两种。
[判断题]在接触器正反转控制线路中,若正转接触器和反转接触器同时通电会发生两相电源短路。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题][T]A-E-H-002 5 2 3
电动捣固捣固范围为自钢轨中心线向外各( )mm。 A.200~300 B.300~400 C.400~450 D.450~500 [单项选择]《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于<中华人民共和国刑法>第一百五十八条、第一百五十九条的解释》中规定:“刑法第一百五十八条、第一百五十九条的规定,只适用于依法实行注册资本实缴登记制的公司。”关于该解释,下列哪一说法是正确的?()
A. 效力低于《刑法》 B. 全国人大常委会只能就《刑法》作法律解释 C. 对法律条文进行了限制解释 D. 是学理解释 [单选题]《晋能控股集团汲取煤矿事故教训特别管理规定》顶板管理特别规定巷道维修、扩刷中,必须坚持()原则,严禁一次性大面积挑顶,同排同时进行挑顶刷帮作业。
A.A、平行作业 B.B、随意性 C.C、先挑顶后刷帮、挑一排支一排 [判断题] 在仪表和电器设备上可以适当放置导体和磁性物品
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交