There are many ways of defining
success. It is accurate to say that each of us has our own concept of success to
the extent that each of us is responsible for setting our own goals and
determining whether we have met these goals satisfactorily. Because each of us
possesses unique differences in genetic ability and favorable environments in
which to express these abilities, it is necessarily true that we must define
success broadly. For some people, simply being able to live their life with a minimum of misery and suffering is considered a success. Think of the peace of mind of the poor shepherd who tends his sheep, enjoys his frugal life with his family in the beauty of nature, and who is respected because he does a good job of achieving the goals expected of and accepted by him and his society. On the other hand, it A. wealthy B. thrifty C. wasteful D. miserable [判断题]人民法院在审理无效的期货交易合同纠纷案件时,应当依据公平原则确定当事人的民事责任。()
A. 凉血止血,清肝泻火 B. 凉血止血,祛痰止咳 C. 凉血止血,解毒敛疮 D. 凉血止血,清热生津 E. 凉血止血,散瘀消痈 [单项选择]
W: We’re having a meeting tomorrow. Can you make it A. Alan. B. The man. C. The woman. D. A guest speaker. [单项选择]Cillian Shephard is to announce a review of examination standards today as controversy surrounding university entrance procedures brings criticism over Britain’s educational performance.
The Education and Employment Secretary is worried that continuing uncertainty over a levels in particular will undermine the Government’s drive to meet ambitious targets for improvement. She postponed an announcement until this year’s candidates had received their results, but is now determined to clear the air. Mrs. Shepard’s main advisers on schools have already asked her to sanction a 100,000 research project, comparing papers over the past 20 years. But she is expected to go further. Reports of universities admitting A-level failures to foundation courses will be referred to officials carrying out a review of higher education. Further research will focus on school examinations. Mrs. Shepard returned mm holiday last week to find critics chiming that a seventh successive rise in p A. She is an official. B. She is president of a university. C. She is an educator. D. She is president of a country. [单项选择]男,40岁,因心前区剧痛12小时诊为急性前壁心肌梗死住院。心电监护示频发室性早搏和短阵室性心动过速。首选的抗心律失常药物是()
A. 乙胺碘呋酮 B. 利多卡因 C. 溴苄胺 D. 倍他乐克 E. 慢心律 [单选题]造成电晕封闭的主要原因是( )。
A. .高比电阻 B. .粉尘浓度大 C. .粉尘浓度小 [单项选择]客户:“保本基金怎么还会亏损啊?”客户经理:“先生,我和您说明下:保本基金一般都是有时间期限的。如果您持有保本基金到招募书上规定的期限,即使产生了亏损,基金公司也会承担这部分损失。您的本金不会遭到损失。如果,您提前赎回的话,这部分的风险就要由您自己承担。”在这个销售案例中,营销人员将客户的反对意见转化成了销售机会,他运用了().
A. 除疑去误法 B. 让步处理法 C. 以优补劣法 D. 转化意见法 [单选题]根据《中央行政单位通用办公设备配置标准表》,单位 A3 和A4 打印机的配置数量上限按单位编制内实有人数的( )%计算,由单位根据工作需要选择配置A3 或A4 打印机。
A.30 B.40 C.50 D.80 [单项选择]接触性皮炎的组织病理叙述错误的是
A. 细胞内及细胞间水肿 B. 真皮浅层血管扩张 C. 血管周围淋巴细胞浸润 D. 慢性者棘层肥厚 E. 表皮突消失 [判断题]()PAL制的编码器和解码器都E比NTSC制的复杂,信号处理也较麻烦,接收机的造价也高。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某进口设备的人民币货价为50万元,国际运费费率为10%,运输保险费费率为3%,进口关税税率为20%,则该设备应支付关税税额是()万元。
A. 11.34 B. 11.33 C. 11.30 D. 10.00 [单选题]对于事故的预防与控制,安全技术对策着重解决( )。
A.人的不安全行为 B.管理的缺陷 C.物的不安全状态 D.有害的作业环境 [单选题] 第44题 (3.0分) 题号:2144 难度:中 第8章
A.对多个文件进行分卷压缩 B.给压缩包设置密码 C.双击一个压缩包文件将其自动解压到当前文件夹 D.使用右键快捷菜单中的命令在当前目录下快速创建一个RAR压缩包 [多选题]救援人员高空救助时,根据作业环境,( ),提升安全防范效果。
A.设置警戒 B.铺设救生气垫 C.设置安全网 D.自我固定防护 [单项选择]当今社会的教育,有进一步将对青少年儿童的教育“成人化”的趋势,这一现象违背了个体身心发展的()规律。
A. 顺序性 B. 不平衡性 C. 阶段性 D. 个别差异性 [单项选择]一国货币同时存在两种或两种以上汇率的制度是( )。
A. 法定的复汇率制 B. 浮动汇率制 C. 复汇率制 D. 双轨汇率制 [判断题]所有政府发行的债券都叫国债
A. 广告 B. 人员推销 C. 营业推广 D. 公共关系 [判断题]变形度大于临界变形度,则晶粒逐渐细化,变形度愈大,晶粒愈细小。
[判断题]交通技术监控设备记录的违法行为信息录入道路交通违法信息管理系统后,公安机关交通管理部门应当发送短信告知。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]液氮洗涤装置分子筛使用时间过长,将使吸附前沿上移突破吸附剂床层,造成出口气体中二氧化碳含量上升。
A. DC4~6V B. DC5~7V C. DC7~8V D. DC8~10V [判断题]2.65 持有大型客车、重型牵引挂车、城市公交车、中型客车、大型货车驾驶证的驾驶人从业单位等信息发生变化的,从业单位有要求的,应当在信息变更后三十日内,向驾驶证核发地车辆管理所备案。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]液力偶合器既可传递扭矩,又可改变扭矩的大小。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交