Kids Do Best{{/B}} Single mums are better at raising their kids than two parents - at least in the bird world. Mother zebra finches have to work harder and raise fewer chicks on their own, but they also produce more attractive sons who are more likely to get a mate. The finding shows that family conflict is as important an evolutionary driving force as ecological factors such as hunting and food supply. With two parents around, there’s always a conflict of interests, which can have a detrimental effect on the quality of the offspring. In evolutionary terms, the best strategy for any parent in the animal world is to find someone else to care for their offspring, so they can concentrate on breeding again. So it’s normal for parents to try to pass A. Cause and effect. B. Experiment and result. C. Problem and solution. D. Topic and comment. [不定项选择题]A.OTC
A.TDM B.ADR C.TITRS D.DMF E.非处方药的英文缩写是 [单项选择]男性,36岁。因急性化脓性阑尾炎穿孔伴弥漫性腹膜炎行急诊手术。术后于右下腹放置烟卷式引流条一根,下列处理措施中哪项正确
A. 放置1~2天后即可拔除 B. 每次换药时旋转拔出约1~2cm,术后1~2天即可拔除 C. 每次换药时旋转拔出约1~2cm,术后3~5天即可拔除 D. 视引流情况,至术后6~7天方可拔除 E. 应于术后1周方可拔除 [单选题]在动车组高压系统设备中,电流传感器用于测量“ ”。
A.高压电路电压 B.高压电路线电流 C.牵引电机电流 D.牵引电机电压 [判断题]战斗精神旺盛,要做到战斗意志高昂,发扬英勇顽强、不怕牺牲的战斗作风,刀山敢上、火海敢闯,召之即来、战之必胜。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]下利腹胀满,身体疼痛者,(),(),温里宜(),攻表宜桂枝汤。
A. 青霉素 B. 氯霉素 C. 四环素 D. 氨苄青霉素 E. 庆大霉素 [单项选择]在路由器上从下面哪个模式可以进行接口配置模式()。
A. 用户模式 B. 特权模式 C. 全局配置模式 D. 安全模式 [多选题]党的十八大报告指出,要推进(),坚持法律面前人人平等,保
A.科学立法 B.严格执法 C.公正司法 D.全民守法 我来回答: 提交