The "modest" success of an HIV "vaccine
(疫苗) clinical trial in Thailand is turning out to be even more modest than
originally advertised. Full details of the study, released in Paris, show that the vaccine provides no protection to people at the highest risk of HIV infection. In people at lower risk, the benefits may start to decrease after a year. Furthermore, when the results of the three-year experiment are analyzed using alternative methods, the protective effect falls short of formal statistical significance. Despite the new warning, many AIDS researchers say the findings are still important. Some other observers, however, think the results have been oversold in a potentially damaging way. Initial results of the RV144 trial were revealed through a press release and interviews in late September. The pres A. there would be 92 people infected. B. the vaccine still showed its effect. C. the reduce of the effect of vaccine was not significant. D. the trend toward protection reduced by 30 percent. [单选题]以下哪一种表现不属于运动性心脏增大?( )
A.心动徐缓.每搏输出量增加 B.心脏听诊有舒张期杂音 C.心肌内毛细血管增多.冠状动脉扩张 D.心脏的重量和体积增大 [单选题]《普修规》尖轨在第一拉杆中心处的设计动程,18号道岔允许速度大于160km/h时为( )。
A.142mm B.152mm C.160mm D.180mm [多项选择]甲殴打乙致轻微伤,公安局对甲作出拘留15日的处罚裁决。甲不服,经复议后,向人民法院起诉,乙作为第三人参加诉讼。关于本案处理,正确的做法有哪些( )
A. 乙有权对一审判决提起上诉 B. 被告公安局有权提起反诉 C. 人民法院有权判决被告公安局对乙予以处罚 D. 人民法院有权变更公安局对甲的处罚 [单选题]细菌在人体定植必须有适宜的环境和一定的条件,错误的是
A.牢固地黏附在机体的黏膜上皮细胞上 B.定植的微生物的黏附机制相当复杂 C.长期生存必须有一定的环境条件 D.必须有大量的菌群 E.宿主机体存在着定植抵抗力 [多选题]为控制和减少噪声污染,可以对噪声源采取( )等措施。
A.减震; B.架高; C.隔音; D.消声。 [单项选择]在Word97的编辑状态中,统计文档的字数,需要使用的菜单是()
A. 文件 B. 视图 C. 格式 D. 工具 E. 窗口 [单项选择]关于Java中的沙箱模型下列说法中正确的是
A. 沙箱模型为从网上获得的不可信代码提供了控制非常严格的运行环境 B. 在沙箱模型中,本地代码被认为是可信代码,对本地系统资源有完全的访问权 C. 在沙箱模型中,从远端主机下载的Applet是不可信的,并且只能访问沙箱中的有限资源 D. 以上说法都正确 [判断题]永久层的作用是当工作层蚀薄时,防止漏穿的钢水烧坏包壳,以提高钢包的使用寿命。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]施工单位项目经理部关键岗位人员必须持证上岗,应设兼职质检员()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 绝缘架空地线应视为带电体。作业人员与绝缘架空地线之间的距离不应小于( )m。(1000kV为0.6m) (1.0分)
A. 0.2 B. 0.3 C. 0.4 D. 0.5 [填空题]SDH核心特点:( )、( )、( )。
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