Because humans are at the top of the
food chain, they are particularly vulnerable to the effects of nondegradable
(不可能降解的)pollutants. This was clearly illustrated in the 1950s and 1960s when
residents living near Minamata Bay, Japan, developed nervous disorders, shaking,
and paralysis(瘫痪,麻痹) in a mysterious widespread. Over 400 people died before
authorities discovered that a local industry had released mercury(水银,汞) into
Minamata Bay. This highly toxic element stored up in the bodies of local fish
and eventually in the bodies of people who consumed the fish. More recently
research has revealed that many chemical pollutants are harmful to the human
beings. Pollution also has a dramatic effect on natural resources. Ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, and rivers perform many important services for the earth’s environment. A. if mankind do something harmful to the environment, vice versa, the indeed victims are themselves B. a local industry which had released mercury into Minamata Bay was the real murderer C. how this highly toxic element stored up in the bodies of local fish and eventually harmful to the bodies of people who consumed the fish D. the theory of pollution [单选题]当列车发生溜逸时,列控车载设备实施紧急制动,该制动在列车( )才能由司机缓解。
A.低于溜逸速度 B.运行中 C.停车后 [单选题]下列关于汤剂特点的叙述,错误的是
A.组方灵活,可随证加减用药 B.制法简单,奏效较为迅速 C.水极性大,脂溶性成分易被提取完全 D.制备过程中,有些成分会被药渣再吸附 E.不宜久置 [单项选择]适用于外科埋植物和隐形眼镜消毒的溶液是()
A. 戊二醛 B. 过氧乙酸 C. 过氧化氢 D. 乙醇 E. 氯己定 [单选题]大截面导线耐张管铝管液压预偏值是指穿管时,将倒压的耐张铝管向施压顺序的()移动铝管伸长量长度,以补偿因铝管压接而产生的伸长量。
A.反方向 B.顺方向 C.导线侧 D.铁塔侧 [单选题]自动化峰的TZ-104型测速雷达,采用的工作波长为( )
A.A、0.8cm B.B、1cm C.C、2cm D.D、3cm [单选题]以下要素中,不是会计要素的是( )
A.A. 资产 B.B. 负债 C.C. 收入 D.D. 成本 [判断题]员工个人驾驶非本单位车辆上下班发生的人身伤亡事故应按人身事故统计。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]社会服务机构主要的资金来源有( )。
A. 政府资助 B. 银行贷款 C. 民间捐助 D. 商业交易 E. 会员费 [多选题]用电检查员应重点检查客户的()负荷产生的电压波动(),应符合《电能质量电压波动和闪变G/T12326-2008》国家标准限值,以确保不影响电网安全。()
A.A-冲击性 B.B-非线性 C.C-允许值 D.D-限值 E.略 F.略 G.略 我来回答: 提交