Remember the Stone Age days of research
back in elementary school and middle school We would spend countless
hours digesting the information we could find on index cards. Do you recall
using those ancient com- puters that ran with the Gopher program or some generic
database whose name connoted a marmot that could take half an hour to find Moby
Dick Well, all I have to say can be summed up in five words: Thank God For The Internet! Screw going to the library! I have access to dozens of databases, journals, and collections of literature right at my fingertips. I can complete all of my research at home and no longer must run amok in the library, stressing out while trying to find Shakespeare’s The Tempest or some other book, all the while trying to block out the noisy study groups who have forgotten what the "silence policy o A. Almost every professor forced them to buy textbooks by themselves. B. The books or journals they awe searching for are destroyed by the flood. C. They are too busy fighting against the flood to finish their paper. D. Their papers are greatly damaged by the unexpected flood. [多选题]离心泵完好标准中,应符合( )。
A.运转正常 B.效能良好 C.内部机件无损 D.质量符合要求 [单选题]依据《石油化工设计防火规范》,大型石油化工企业的工艺装置区、罐区等,应设独立的稳高压消防给水系统,其压力宜为( )MPa。
A.0.3~0.5 B.0.5~0.7 C.0.7~1.2 D.1.2~1.5 [单选题]压力容器类别划分所依据的因素不包括( )
A.设计压力 B.介质特性 C.容积 D.运行要求 [判断题]阻垢缓蚀剂ZH-619在常温下不稳定。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]单系ATO主机不能够独立工作()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]业扩报装工程投产前,应由( )提前向( )报送投产资料,资料应包括设备的相关参数、设备异动的电气连接关系等内容。
A.营销部门 B.调控机构 C.运维管理部门 D.检修部门 [单选题]当补充SF6气体的过程中,当瓶内压力降至()时,即停止引出气体。(单选题)
A.A、9.8X104Pa B.B、9.8X103Pa C.C、9.8X102Pa D.D、9.8X105Pa [单项选择]五行相侮的基本概念是()
A. 某行之气亢盛传及母脏 B. 某行之气亢盛传及子脏 C. 某行之气虚衰传及"所胜" D. 某行之气亢盛侵及"所不胜" E. 某行之气虚衰传及子脏 [单项选择]3/5×0.25÷0.15的值是( )。
A. 1 B. 1.5 C. 1.6 D. 2.0 [填空题]干电池的负极是金属()制成的。
A.无禁区 B.严要求 C.全覆盖 D.零容忍 [单选题]墩台基础的基底埋置深度在无冲刷处或设有铺砌防护时,在地面以下不小于()m。《修规》第2.5.1条
A.1 B.1.5 C.2 D.2.4 我来回答: 提交