{{B}}Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}} |
Reading is very important to help you learn English. To learn as much as you can from reading, you need to read different kinds of English. This book provides not only different kinds of English but also a good way to check your reading ability.
There are four parts in the book:
Part 1 is Messages: In this part somebody wants to send information in writing to somebody else. There is a test on timetable and a test on text messages.
Part 2 is People: In this part all the tests are about people. For example, there is an informal letter between friends. There is formal (正式的) English in biography (传记). There is a job application as a model to help with your writing, as well as testing your reading.
Part 3 is Places: In this part, too, many different kinds of English are shown, some informal and some formal. There is the informal English of a holiday postcard. There is also the formal English in a letter of complaint.
Part 4 is Things: You will f
A. part 1
B. Part 2
C. Part 3
D. Part 4
Throughout history there have been many
unusual taxes levied on such things as hats, beds, baths, marriages, and
funerals. At one time England levied a tax on sunlight by collection from every
household with six or more windows. And according to legend, there was a Turkish
ruler who collected a tax each time he dined with one of his subjects. Why To
pay for the wear and tear on his teeth! Different kinds of taxes help to spread the tax burden. Anyone who pays a tax is said to "bear the burden" of the tax. The burden of a tax may fall more heavily on some persons than on others. That is why the three levels of government in this country use several kinds of taxes, lifts spreads the burden of taxes among more people. From the standpoint of their use, the most important taxes are income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, and e A. the rich have to pay more and the poor less. B. a wider range of taxpayers can be included. C. each of three levels of government could got tax money. D. the burden of taxes falls evenly on everybody. [简答题]什么是语言规划的基本原则,具体包括哪些原则?
[单选题]214、 遮断色灯信号机的预告信号机显示一个( )色灯光时,表示遮断信号机显示红色灯光。
A.黄 B.白 C.绿 D.蓝 [多选题]爱情是男女双方基于一定的客观现实基础和共同的生活理想,在各自内心形成的最真挚的彼此倾慕和互相爱悦,并渴望对方成为自己终身伴侣的最强烈持久.纯洁专一的感情。恋爱是( )。
A. 一种人际交往 B. 受到道德约束的行为 C. 建立幸福婚姻家庭的前奏 D. 恋爱需要无条件地包容对方 [单选题]甲向乙交货时因疏忽多交了两箱货物,乙明知而受领。乙的行为属于( )。
A.不当得利 B.无因管理 C.合法行为 D.违约行为 [单选题]下列货物中属于易燃普通货物的是()。
A.硫磺 B.电石 C.煤粉 D.黄磷 [单项选择]某外商投资企业按工资水平分为四组:1000元以下,1000~1500元,1500~2000元,2000元以上。第一组和第四组的组中值分别为()。
A. 750;2500 B. 800;2250 C. 800;2500 D. 750;2250 [多项选择]培养班干部是班主任的一项重要责任。培养班干部,班主任应该做到()
A. 严格的要求 B. 耐心引导 C. 注意学生集体领导机构的经常变动 D. 注意保持教师的绝对权威 我来回答: 提交