A report consistently brought back by
visitors to the 13. S. is how friendly, courteous, and helpful most Americans
were to them. To be fair, this observation is also frequently made of Canada and
Canadians, and should best be considered North American. There are, of course,
exceptions. Smallminded officials, rude waiters, and ill-mannered taxi drivers
are hardly unknown in the U. S. Yet it is an observation made so frequently that
it deserves comment. For a long period of time and in many parts of the country, a traveler was a welcome break in an otherwise dull existence. Dullness and loneliness were common problems of the families who generally lived distant from one another. Strangers and travelers were welcome sources of diversion, and brought news of the outside world. The harsh realities of A. Americans hate living alone in remote area B. visitors bring new information and vitality to the tedious and isolated family life C. visitors always bring wonderful gifts to the local residents D. the travelers to frontiers used to be hospitable and the tradition has been handed down [简答题]简述麦卡锡七步法。
A.浇筑混凝土或砂浆时应分层浇捣并按现场浇筑混凝土的规定进行养护 B..对浇筑混凝土或砂浆的强度检验应以试块为依据,试块的制作应每基取一组 C.孔洞中浇筑混凝土或砂浆的数量不得大于设计值 D.对浇筑钻孔式岩石基础,应采取减少混凝土收缩量的措施。 [单项选择]甲状腺功能亢进症甲状腺肿大最具特征的表现是
A. 甲状腺呈弥漫性肿大 B. 甲状腺呈结节状 C. 甲状腺呈对称性增大 D. 甲状腺触及震颤和听到血管杂音 E. 甲状腺无压痛 [简答题]案情:2009年3月18日,家住在北京市A区的张老汉在家住在B区的长子张甲家去世,留下两套房产。其一是A区价值20万元的一居室,其二是C区的价值45万元的二居室。长子张甲和次子张乙由于遗产继承发生争议。张乙到A区法院起诉,要求按照法定继承分割遗产,而张甲主张按照遗嘱分割遗产。区法院判决,张甲胜诉,按照遗嘱分割财产。张乙向二审法院提出上诉。在二审法院审理过程中,张老汉的养子张丙要求参加诉讼。
问题: 法院能否准许张丙参加诉讼其法律地位如何并说明理由。 [判断题]专职消防队扑救火灾、应急救援,可以适当收取一定的 费用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列说法不正确的是()
A. 肺动脉导管温度稀释法是监测心排血量的“金标准” B. 动脉压力波形心排量测定(APCCO)是监测左心室心排血量的新方法,SVV的大小反映心排量 C. TEE可以直接观察左心室收缩情况 D. 左心室舒张早期血流播散速度(FPV,Vp)是评价左心室舒张功能一个较为理想指标 E. 多数心脏病患者舒张功能异常早于收缩功能异常 [单选题] 人体触电后能够自主摆脱的电流称为()。
A.、感知电流 B.、持续电流 C.、摆脱电流 [填空题]TB/T2340—2012标准规定,钢轨超声波探伤仪的阻塞范围不大于( )。
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